It was hard to believe that someone would attack her in such a peaceful area, but after her experience with a flaming arrow being shot into her bedchambers while she slept, she was more than happy to play it extra safe.

When Alys was returning to the palace sometime later, Dimia was on her way out towards the gardens, accompanied by Esme and baby Joss. Alys spent a few minutes holding the baby, and for the first time in a while, she could feel excited about having her own baby without having to worry about Princess Jocelynn.

"Maybe if you have a girl, our kids will marry one day!" Esme said teasingly as Alys reluctantly handed the baby back over to its birthmother.

Alys smiled in response. It was a cute notion; she was sure it would be fun to watch their children grow up together and fall in love.

But it was also quite ridiculous. Most likely, Alys' baby would end up marrying some other royal offspring to fulfill a treaty or some kind of agreement.

Something inside Alys' stomach twisted at the thought of that. She shook it off and bid her friends a good evening. Her day was going well; she was not about to ruin it now by worrying about something that would not be an issue for nearly 20 years.

Rose was in Alys' bedchamber when she arrived back at her room. Alys had barely made it in the door before Rose's arms were wrapping around her in a tight embrace.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, my Lady!"

Confused for a moment, Alys returned the girl's embrace. The room had been cleaned while she had been on her walk, and some colourful fabric had been put on her bed. It looked like it might be a dress, but Alys could not tell for sure from where she was.

When Rose pulled back, her eyes shiny with unshed tears. The request Alys had made to the king the night before came back to her.

"Did Dastrehan speak with you?" Alys asked, finally understanding what was going on.

"Not directly," Rose replied, stepping back so that Alys could properly enter the room and close the door behind herself, "But I have been released from my betrothal to the soldier I was supposed to marry, and Aldyth came to tell me that I start my tutelage under her right away!"

Alys moved to sit on her bed, tired from her walk.

"I'm so happy for you, Rose!" She answered happily, impressed that Dastrehan had taken care of things so fast, "Was the soldier mad?"

Rose shrugged, seeming unaffected by the question, "He seemed like he was not too upset by it."
Alys nodded; that was good. Angry men were not fun to deal with.
Even angry princesses, as Alys had learned so well as of late.

"I brought you a new dress!" Rose exclaimed in excitement, motioning to the fabric laying on the bed beside Alys.

Alys sighed. Even lying carelessly on the bed, it looked much too fancy for her liking. But if the king had sent it, she must wear it.

Rose helped Alys out of the blue dress she currently wore, and then into the new one. While Rose made adjustments here and there with a needle and thread, Alys watched in the reflection of her floor-length mirror.

The dress was green and blue; the main gown was a rich blue, and was worn with a gold coloured belt in the same style as all Alys' dresses had been since Dastrehan had instructed she stop wearing the servant dresses. A deep green piece of fabric draped from the back of her ribcage to meet in the front at the top of her belly, held by a button. It looked like an elegant green curtain going over the blue skirt. Alys loved it as soon as Rose had placed it over her head, but it felt terribly inappropriate for her to dress in such away. Only once had she seen a pregnant woman dressed like this; it had been a very wealthy woman present at King Dastrehan's coronation.

A Servant Lost (Alys Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now