chapter 1: prologue

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It took all of four minutes after the editorial meeting ended for Kitty to slide up to Finn Hudson's cubicle with a smirk on her face that stretched from ear to ear.

"Hi Finn," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Finn returned her greeting in a neutral tone, determined not to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"How was the meeting?"

"It was good. There's a couple of really good issues in the works," he said. He logged onto his computer and clicked on his email.

"Uh huh. So... any interesting features in the works?"

Finn shrugged one shoulder and moved onto the next email. "I'm going to do twenty-four hours with an ambulance crew. That's going to be pretty cool."

Kitty huffed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, be like that. By the way, this came for you while you were in the meeting, and I had to sign for it."

She handed him an elaborately packaged box with a Japanese theme and hovered blatantly as Finn spent five minutes figuring out how to open it. At last, the box gave way and he pulled a card out. He read it and smiled.

Brody Weston & Ikuko Kishi would like to invite

Finn Hudson and Guest

to celebrate the joyous occasion of their wedding.

"Is that the Brody Weston who invented Webstacles?" Kitty asked, peering over Finn's shoulder to read the invitation. "I love that site. How do you know him?"

"He used to be my boss, back in Lima," Finn explained.

Kitty's eyebrows shot up. Like pretty much everybody, she knew the story of the computer programmer who had created a multi-million dollar company before having a breakdown that made him believe that he'd been abducted by aliens. He'd moved to Lima and bought the Garage where Finn worked at weekends and after school. Brody had eventually been diagnosed with a form of schizophrenia. Following treatment, he had returned to his home in Boston and started a new company, the globally popular social networking site 'Webstacles'.

Brody and Finn emailed occasionally and exchanged Christmas cards every year, but they hadn't seen each other since Brody had left Lima. Finn hadn't been aware that Brody was even in a relationship, but he was delighted to see that his former boss was getting married and was pleasantly surprised to be invited.

"So," Kitty twirled a curl of hair around her finger and smiled. "I guess you'll need a date."

Finn's mind was racing. "Yeah, I guess I will. And I know just the person."

Now all he had to do was ask.

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