After cleaning the blood from the floor and the carpet, I put everything back then went in the room to check on him. He was walking out the bathroom naked as hell making me look down first then up, he got dressed as I closed my eyes.

"You could open ya eyes." He said fully dressed now. "Pass me my phone."

"Q and them downstairs." I said making him walk pass me. 

"Stay in here real quick." He said closing the door. 

I was so annoyed so I turned off the light and just went back to sleep, or well attempted to. I eventually fell asleep when a hour passed and he still didn't come in the room.

When I woke up the sun was shining bright and Kareem was laying next to me, I got up going into the bathroom brushing my teeth with a new toothbrush. I grabbed my phone walking into the kitchen to see nobody was here, I looked in the fridge and it wasn't anything there.

I went to UberEats ordering us food since I was starving, I sat on his couch turning on the t.v laying back watching The Foster's. In the middle of the second episode Reem walked in the living room like he was looking for something. 

"Oh, there you go. Thought you left me."

"I ordered us food."

"Good looking, I feel like I ain't eat in like three days." He sat down next to me. "What's this?" 

"The Fosters."

"This that show about adopting kids, right?" 

"Something like that."

"Stink love this damn show." 

"So you bout to act like you didn't come in bloody and confused yesterday? We not gon talk about that?" 

"You don't waste no damn time." He chuckled. "I was running from the cops and I hopped the fence not knowing it was barb wire on it."

"Barb wire cut you?" I asked wide eyed. "Why aren't you in pain or nothing?" 

"I'm African, that pain ain't nothing." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes. 

"What's the thing about the charger?" 

"When the charger broke it means some nigga tryna take what's ours, they broke into a safehouse, broke into somebody house, just tryna get one over us. The niggas that robbed Terror tried again but with Mickey."

"Oh God, do they not know who he is?" I asked making him laugh.

"When we walked in Mickey house, it was body parts all over his shit. Apparently he got these new knives and these niggas made him test it out." He shook his head. "If niggas ain't know he retarded, they know now."

"So how it go from Mickey house to you jumping over barb wire?" 

"After we cleaned up Mickey shit, we went to those niggas block. Dylan took two of them to the alley like she was bout to top both and we handled them but as we was walking out the alley, some bitch was looking being all nosy so Dylan handled her and we got back in the car. After we dropped off Dylan and Mickey, we went to the Chinese store to get something and some nigga hit Face."

"Y'all knew him?"

"Nah, he just hit him out of no where. So we start fucking him up and more niggas came and now it's a big ass brawl, cops came we all split up and barb wire happened."

"All this at 3 in the morning." I shook my head.

"Crime doesn't wait for no one." His corny ass joked making me look at him blankly as I went outside to get our food.

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