Chapter 40

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My greatest work thus far has come to an end... I wish there was more I could do but I must lay Ally and Eric to rest. Although there story will end you can join the scandals of Mataeo and Ebony . I will be working vigorously to get chapters out for "The Secret He Kept" so please be patient with me. 

Again I cannot express my gratitude to all of my readers enough! I started this journey from my pure love of books. Taking this leap was very scary but I am so glad "So this is love?" has come this far!  

Sit back and enjoy the final read of Eric and Allison Chapman.

Happy Reading!!

**Ally P.O.V.

* 10 years later

I scrambled around the kitchen making sure the food was prepared for the party. The boys loved football just as much as they loved their dad so it was natural to have a football themed party. Eric out did himself this year renting out the entire stadium. Thank God the boys were born in off season.I still remember bringing them home and seeing Eric light up at the cry of one of his boys. His love might have been football but his life was his family. 

I left the kitchen going to the field to see if everyone was ready. This party was unique. Each kid would get to go through training camp with professional players. I was surprised to find out Eric put that part together. The boys will be so surprised when they get here. After checking the field and giving everyone final approval, I had to find that daughter of mine. Bridget has hit her teen years with harder force than a 300 pound linebacker. That's the nice way of putting it. She loves her brother, adores her dad, and pretty much despises me. Typical fourteen year old girls, blah. 

I knew if I found Eric, Bridget wouldn't be far behind. Finding Eric laid on the couch in the locker room  with his eyes closed while Bridget sat at the end of the couch watching the tv. 

"Bridget I need you to call your aunt Dina and see where she is with the boys, we are ready." i said. Typical Bridget she looked over at me and ignored me. This girl makes me want to scream some times. After a moment of silence I spoke again.

 "Bridget. I know you heard me and I'm not going to ask again. " I said with a little more force. Again the brat looked at me but held my glare.  Can't I ship her off until she gets out of these moody years?

"Bridget Mia Chapman. You heard your mother. Go and I will not tell you again. Eric said with his eyes closed. Bridget's eyes widened thinking her father was asleep.

"Sorry daddy, I must not have heard her." she said, lying through her teeth. 

Watching her leave the room I throw myself onto the couch with Eric. I looked at my husband and waited for him to acknowledge me. He peeked his eyes open and opened his arms for me to lay with him. I slowly made my way into the arms that made my entire world shine.

"Why does she hate me so much?" i asked him.

"She doesn't hate you. You just aren't her favorite person anyone. I'm pretty sure I was always her favorite person but Branden and Brock are crazy about you. I think they'd kick even my ass for messing with their mother." he told me. We laughed and I remembered how magically these last 10 years of life have been.

I got off the couch and pulled Eric with me, "If you are done sleeping or pretending to sleep to avoid your super attached daughter, we have a party to host." i said.

"Fine. I'm glad Dina could take the boys for awhile. They are going to be so stoked!" he said while running out of the door.

Sometimes my husband is a bigger kid than my kids. I never thought I would say it but Dina has been a big part of our lives now. After Kyle died 8 years ago, she left Florida and came here. I was skeptical at first but she was our family and now her only family. KJ was born 2 months before the boys but that didn't stop them from being thick as thief's. Eric and Kyle never got to make amends before his death but  Dina was so grateful to have us around. 

My phone rang and i picked up. "Hey Sam, what's up?"

"I've got the jerseys and the cake is here where do you want everything?" he asked.

"Meet me in the kitchen.  I'll open the back doors." I said and ran to my next destination.

Sam was busy now a days. We rarely got to see him.He's always running around with this model or that one. Settling down will never be his story. I know Bridget will be happy to see him. Hopefully she'll keep her attitude in check. Sam takes Bridget to fashion week in Milan every year.  She adores him almost as much as her dad. What is it with her and I? 

Finally this party was getting started. Branden and Brock will be talking about this one for years. I watched the boys run up and down the field with their friends, having the time of their lives. Eric wrapped his arms around me as we watched our family enjoy the party. I never would have imagined this is where our lives would be. Through all the ups and downs, we made it.

"So this is love?" Eric whispered to me.

"Yes, this is definitely love." i replied as the cake came out and we went to sing happy birthday to our boys. 

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