Chapter 36

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"Mr. Chapmen what are you doing here?" Ally asked. I was too confused to speak.

"Ally you are my favorite daughter-in-law but I am not letting you two in this house." He said calmly.

"Mr. Chapmen I'm your only daughter-in-law and unless you want to cause your grandchildren anymore distress, I would advise you move." Ally barked. I finally snapped out of it.

"Dad I don't know why you are here but we need to talk to Kyle and Dina." I said.

"I won't let you come in here and hurt my son, he is too weak to fight the both of you." He said. His son? I'm his only son. What the hell is going on.

"Dad I'm your only son. What the hell is going on?!" I yelled.

Allison grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. I guess I was getting too upset. We all stood at the door in silence until my dad spoke again but this time he was not speaking to me.

"I need you all to go home. This was a big misunderstanding between brothers. Neither of my sons will be talking to reporters today."

"If he says sons one more time I'm going to deck him." I whispered to Ally.

"You will not be hitting no one until we find out what is going on. Then hitting might be necessary."She said. We both silently laughed. My dad finally moved back to let us in the house.

Dina sat next to Kyle clutching her belly in fear. The cancer was really taking a toll on Kyle he was so pale he looked dead. I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to.

 "Dad you need to start talking or we are leaving." I said.

"Eric grown or not I am still your father and you will not talk to me like that!" My dad yelled. I got up to leave when Ally pull me back down and once again placed my hand on her belly. I took a deep breath.

"Mr. Chapmen I really need you to start explaining before he flips his lid. There's only so much his children can stop him from doing." Ally said.

She was right. My boys did have a hold me, just like Bridget does. I was too close to flipping out for this to keep working. My dad got up and started pacing the ground and then he began his story.

"Eric I never wanted you to find out this way. It's just when I heard you went to jail for beating up Kyle, I had to break my silence." He paused and took a deep breath. Glaring at Kyle; I began to rub Ally's belly trying to calm my self from the anxious moment.

" When I was in college I met your mother but I also met Kyle's mother. Kyle's mother was my best friend. When I wasn't with your mother I was with his. It didn't take long for your mother to become jealous and give me a choice; end my friendship or lose the love of my life. I told her I would end my friendship. I went right over to Kyle's mothers house to tell her my terrible situation. We cried together for the longest and in the midst of our sadness we slept together for the first and last time. I went home to your mother the next day and she told me she was pregnant. I was so happy. We went straight to the courthouse and got married. Everything was perfect. We both graduated, found great jobs, moved into our first home, and you were born.It was all perfect until we were shopping one day and ran into Kyle's mother who had a child that looked just as old as you were. Your mother put the pieces together; she was so mad she threatened to leave me. So we decided to help Kyle's mother buy a house close to ours and I would send them money once a month, but I was not allowed to spend time with Kyle. When you boys graduated from high school his mother decided I could tell him and we've been working on a relationship since then." He finished. The entire room was silent. No one said anything and no one moved.

I got up, grabbed Ally's hand, and moved to the door. I took one last look at my fathers sorrowful eyes and walked out.

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