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I would just like to explain my inspiration for this story, in which I took two of my past experiences and mashed them together. 

I have been to France, and let me tell you, if you have never been on the metro before, they are the scariest things ever. The doors open and a second later, they close on you. We had a girl in our tour group get a little stuck because the car was packed so tight and her backpack was hanging out the door. What if her arm had been sticking out?! 

My second experience comes from when my family went to Disney World and abandoned me in Animal Kingdom. Okay, not literally abandoned, but one second they were there, and then they were gone. I was probably lost for about 20 minutes until we met each other at the Tree of Life. We laugh about it now, but I will never forget that feeling of my stomach plummeting when I couldn't find them. 

I wrote this short story for a class, so please feel free to comment with edits or suggestions. 

Thanks! Enjoy. 

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