Things Aren't The Same

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Daniel's POV

"So who is she Daniel?! I'm so tired of you cheating on me and lying all the damn time!" Corae yelled in my face, I was so sick and tired of her thinking I was cheating on her. It wasn't like I wasn't cheating on her cause I was but she didn't need to know that.

Ever since Brielle disappeared I've been with Corae, I don't know why but I guess I was just using her for comfort since  Brielle was gone and also because I wanted to see my daughter. Ever since I found out about her Corae has been treating me like I owe her the world when really I owe my daughter for missing out on her life, She always uses her against me whenever we get into an argument and I don't say things she likes.

I've gone weeks without seeing my daughter because Corae was mad at me, I have to go to her house and bang on her door like a crazy person to see my daughter, Don't let me forget about the time I almost went to jail because she told the police I was trying to break into her house and that she didn't know me.

This girl has literally put me through hell these last couple of weeks and I couldn't do anything about it because my child was more important than my feelings.

Danny has been picking up on everything that's been going on and stressed to me how much he didn't like Corae,He was only 5 years old with so much to say. Every night it would break my heart to hear him say he missed his mama because honestly I missed her too.

It was like I couldn't live without Brielle when she left I would always find myself calling her name for something then I remember she's not here and I just break down, When she left and told me she was pregnant by Corae's brother I wanted to murder him.

She was suppose to be the only woman to have my baby but I guess it didn't work that way since I was only suppose to have babies by her and look where I am now. Living a life where my son isn't even happy and my daughter thinks everything is normal.

"Man get my daughter ready and get out my face" I said back calmly, I think the only thing good about me and Corae's relationship is that she didn't live with me so if I wanted to get away from her I could just go home.

She stomped off and went upstairs towards Renae's room. I was so sick of her and her attitude I didn't know what to do

"dad she's crazy" Danny whispered to me, I forgot he was even sitting next to me while she was all up in my face yelling in front of my son, he don't need to see that.

Corae came back downstairs with Renae' in her arms and her bag

"Don't forget to give her teacher her permission slip tomorrow" she said handing me Renae' and her bag

Renae' and Danny were only a few months apart so they both went to the same school and got a long really well.

"Hey princess" I said kissing her cheek and grabbing Danny's hand while we walked out of the door  to the car

Even though the kids were 5 I still treated them like babies I'm not gonna lie,especially Nae she was really spoiled and sometimes it would bother me when she just screamed and hollered if she didn't have her way,she was just like her mama the only difference is I loved her.

Danny on the other hand was more like me,laid back and chill about everything he did have his moments when he would slam the doors and yell and tell me he wished his mama was here if I didn't do what he wanted and that's why I think they are the way they are now because I would always feel bad about not being there for Renae' and because Brielle wasn't here for Danny.

I know it's gonna be hard for them to grow out of it but I'm trying the best I can to stop it before it's too late. I've never whooped them not once not even popped them but I'm not gonna lie sometimes I be tempted

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