Eyeball (requested)

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It's pretty weird in this town

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It's pretty weird in this town. Like guys call dibs on girls but for me it was different. No one called dibs on me. And hell im fine with that, I don't want them.

The cobras made sure that no one called dibs. The reason I honestly don't know.

They picked on me but I tried not to let it hurt me.

One day they didn't bug me but talked to me like an actual human.

"Hey greenery how are you today?"
Ace said.

"I'm fine. Just some people being rude that's all."

"Really who?"

"Look in the mirror."

Eyeball laughed but not for long. It took him a minute to actually know what I was talking about.

"Ok. I'm sorry how about this. You hang out with us all day and see if you want to be our friend and join the cobras." Eyeball said

wait. "What to join the cobras since I'm a woman I have to be dating one of you."

Eyeball nodded and winked "date whoever you heart desires."

I couldn't help but blush. I've always liked eyeball. "Ok I guess I will."

They all whooped and hollered so I had to quiet them down.

The day slowly went on and soon ace parked the car I'm almost positive he stole and sat there.

"I had a fun time with you guys."

They nodded in agreement.

"Who do you choose?" Ace asked he didn't like me I'm almost positive I looked at him in a brother like way.


"Will you go out with me." Eyeball cuts me off.

I laughed and nodded "if you had let me finish I would have said I look at all of you in a family like way but I like eyeball in a loving way."

He blushed and leaned over the car to kiss me. I pushed him back. " hey there cowboy I don't kiss till the first date and that's Friday at 6. Pick me up here."

I walked up the stairs of the house and went in. As soon as I closed the door I heard and exited yell of

"She likes me back and I didn't have to ask her on a date."

And I think ace answered back." Yep sure did."

So thank you guys for everything I love all of you

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