Chapter 9: Granite Cave

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Man, I'm on fire, not literally, with writing these chapters. Maybe I will have this finished before Pokemon ORAS comes out. Well only time will tell, and will Sapphre find Steven? Also, I made an error that wouldn't really be possible in the last chapter. Paige landed on Sapphire's head which would probably crush her neck since Paige is a Beautifly and your average Beautifly weighs about 62 lbs or about 28.1 kilograms which would in fact possibly crush Sapphire's neck or at least break it. Why am I mentioning this? Because I just wanted to point it out, that's all. So enjoy my loyal readers/fans/peepz! ^.^


Dewford Town was small and quiet except for the ocean right next to it. The sun was starting to go down so I had to reach Granite Cave before it got too dark. I passed by a small dock and saw Mr Briney and Peeko there, so I ran over to them to say that I was alright and I explained what had happened.

"Well I'm glad that you're fine but that is pretty strange that you were found on the beach when you remember being dragged out of the ocean," he said.

"Yeah, well I need to go. Bye Mr Briney," I said as I took off for Granite Cave.

It wasn't much longer until it got dark, but we were just at Granite Cave so I went inside.

"This place is creepy," Kipz said as he cowered on my shoulder, "You sure this is where Steven is?"

"Positive. Mr Stone wouldn't lie, and I promised that I would deliver this letter for him," I answered.

"Well let's make this fast."

I had to agree, this place was a bit scary. The farther we walked the darker it got. It wasn't longer until we encountered a slope that led downwards.

"Its you're choice, not mine."

I took a deep breath and started walking down the incline. It started getting steeper but then it eventually leveled out and at the bottom of it was a mouth of a very dark tunnel. I put my hand against the wall and started walking with caution. The tunnel was long and I was starting to get very exhausted so I checked my Pokenav to see what time it was. The clock read 10:42 p.m. which was no wonder I was really tired. After all, I never really liked staying up late or anything, so I put the Pokenav back, sat down on the rocky ground and leaned against the wall.

"H-hey, why you going to sleep at a time like this? I don't like this cave you know so let's get out of here!"

"Oh c'mon Kipz, we need to sleep," I said letting out a huge yawn.

"Yeah, well still. I'm cold and I want to get out of here!" he complained.

I sighed and untied my bandana from my head and put it on Kipz who was now on my lap.

"There, better now?"

"Yes," he said before letting out a yawn.

"That's good," I said before closiong my eyes.

It wasn't long until sleep came over me and I felt a lot better.

I don't know how long it had been but I woke up with a start when I felt a small tremor.

"What was that?"

"It was a tremor," I said standing up, "But its stopped so don't worry."

I lied, I had to worry. When one tremor happened there would be more, but I didn't want Kipz to worry though. He gave me my bandana back as I set him on my shoulder and sent everyone else out. Then I checked my Pokenav and the clock said 3:59 a.m.

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