"What the hell?!" I heard a sharp voice ring through my ears. Finn and I backed away from each other turning to the voice. "What did I tell you, bitch?!" It was Iris. "I told you to stay away from my men!" She screamed making Finn and I flinch.

I heard Finn loudly sigh. "Iris I am not your man." He insisted. "Romeo is your man."

She laughed bitterly and waved her hands around. "Oh didn't you hear, he broke up with me a few minutes ago. He's dating some new bitch." She paused staring coldly into my eyes. "How's mommy, Millie?" She asked with a sly smile. My heart dropped, what does she know? "That's right, I know why you came here. All of your family is gone. Finn is mine so you will be forever alone."

"No Iris, you will be forever alone." I corrected. "Because you are a stone cold bitch! And that is all you will ever be." I told her repulsively. I walked past her hoping for a dramatic leave but Iris caught my arm in a tight grip. I could feel her grip forming bruises around my wrist.

"Stay aw-" I cut her off by slapping her in the face which resulted in her dropping her hand.

"I said don't touch me ever again!" I growled. I ended up getting the dramatic leave. I wonder what Finn was thinking right now. Why do I care? I don't.

I stormed into the house pushing past the dancing bodies. I made my way to Wyatt's bar and gulped up a drink he handed me. This one was strong, the burning sensation chilling down my throat. Right now, I wanted something strong. "Another one, please." I told him. "And make it stronger."

Finn's POV:

Millie had just ran off the deck after slapping Iris. I was still trying to process all that just happened. Iris said that Millie had no family, which made me hurt for her. But I knew it wasn't true, Millie had Sadie.

My eyebrows were still furrowed and I was looking at Iris who held her face in her hands. "Iris why are you such a bitch?" I stated more then asked. I didn't care if I was being abrupt.

"I"m the bitch? Millie just freaking slapped me and I am heartbroken. Romeo dumped me!" She said looking for pity which I would not give.

"I don't feel bad for you, Iris." I informed her with no emotion. She walked up to me till she was standing a few inches in front of my face.

"I want you, Finn Wolfhard." She said confidently. I stared back at her not moving.

"I don't want you, Iris Apatow." I retorted with cold honesty. She shrugged and smirked.

"We'll see." And like that she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against mine. At first I was oblivious to what was happening, I stood there. But then I backed up breaking her kiss.

She fell on me grabbing my arms for support. "Stop it, Iris." I warned her.

"Ok!" She shrugged. And then she was gone.

Millie's POV:

I felt myself up against someone, Jacob. I don't remember how I got here, all I remember is Iris. Ugh, Iris. I don't even like Jacob, and yet I'm dancing up against him.

I started to remember that he was a player. I should keep my distance. But I was surrounded by other countless sweaty teenage bodies. I felt hands move to my hips and grasp tightly. Jacob turned me around immediately crashing his lips against mine. My mind was fuzzy, I wasn't processing things. And in the state I was in right now, I kissed him back. Even more passionately, he noticed.

Jacob reeked of alcohol and sweat, most likely replicating me. He pushed me through the crowd to the nearest wall where he kissed me more roughly. He even tried deepening the kiss but I denied so he took the only other option. My neck. He kissed all over, probably leaving marks.

"Jacob..." I said a little breathlessly. He stopped looking up at me.


"Stop." I demanded with a sigh.

"No, it's ok. You're just tired, let's get you a nice quiet place to rest." He suggested with a soft smile. My eyelids felt heavy, I was tired. I nodded half unconsciously. He smirked and grabbed my sweaty hand leading me some place. I just let him take me.

He found an empty room after trying several others. He helped me inside and closed the door. I wasn't sure if he locked it or not. Something just didn't feel right...

I sighed heavily as I sat on the cushiony bed. "I don't feel good." I whined as I held my forehead in my palm. He sat beside me cautiously.

"I know, I know. I will make you feel better though." He reassured me.

I was confused by what he meant but once I felt his lips attack mine I knew. My head was killing me. He pushed harder on my lips and if it wasn't for his hand resting on my back I probably would have fallen from weakness. Reality hit and I pushed his shoulders back. He went back in forcefully. I pushed harder on his shoulders.

"Jacob!" I warned soberly, even though I wasn't sober. He continued to kiss me. That's it I had enough. I pushed back with all my force and hit him in the shoulder. "Stop!" I scream as I stood up wobbly. He flinched but not a bit of confidence washed away.

"Come on, baby. Let me make you feel better." He cooed with a sly smile. I felt like barfing. He got up with me and started to lean in.

"I don't want to feel better, I want to sleep." I crossed my arms across my chest. I felt so drunk right now. "I'm not a toy, you can't play with me!" I said louder as I backed up.

His soft expression darkened. "Just come here." He yelled angrily as he approached me with his fists balled up. My heart started to race, was he going to rape me?

I backed up which turned into a run. Jacob was unhappy and I was scared. I sprinted out of the door and kept running. I finally stop once I slammed into someones chest. I fell onto the cold floor with a thump! I just curled up on the floor and started to cry. My head was killing me and I wanted to sleep. I hugged my knees and cried louder.

"Millie?" I heard a familiar boys voice ask. I felt that boy, Finn, put his hand on my knee giving me warmth. "Millie, are you alright?!" He asked frantically. I was sobbing until everything went black.

"Millie?! Millie are you alright?!"


And there you have it! Sorry if that was too explicit. But you know...

I've noticed there were lots of typos, sorry about that! Sometimes things just pass by and I don't notice it.

Did y'all see the Stranger Things cast all together in that video. If you haven't check their instagrams. I was hyperventilating for a straight minute. I need season 3!!!

Anyway I have gotten lots of nice comments and it makes me so happy. Y'all are all so sweet! It melts my heart with joy! So thank y'all... so much! It makes my day.

I hope I didn't disappoint you with this chapter!

Stay fresh y'all - $tells :p

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