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Jamal and Ximena sat together in the library during their study hall while the morning announcements began.

"Attention, students. One last reminder to buy your tickets to tonight's Homecoming Dance. A magical evening full of wonder, excitement, and romance can be yours for only $10.99."

Ximena scoffed, continuing her math homework as the lady spoke. Jamal raised his eyebrow, "Not going?"

"Don't like dances plus I wouldn't have a date," Ximena replied. The girl wouldn't admit it but she really did like school functions but considering no one even knew her in this school, showing up alone would not be a good option.

"Oh come on, she said it would be a 'magical evening full of wonder, excitement and romance'. We all usually go together as a group anyway so we can fill your romance position," Jamal explained, "unless, you know, you'd rather Oscar do that."

Ximena slapped Jamal's arm, making the skinny boy flinch, "Ew, shut up."

"Olivia told us all about your date on the beach," Jamal laughed, rubbing his sore arm, "was there really a picnic?"

Ximena raised her hand to slap his arm but the announcements continued, interrupting her.

"However, this is not an opportunity to get freaky.
Remember, if you're not responsible, you'll end up with responsibility. So, there will be no twerking, yiking, getting crunk, lit, or turnt. For all you ladies, dress appropriately. Nobody wants to see your lower butt cheeks. And lastly, no ID, no enterance."

"Damn," Jamal sucked his teeth, shaking his head, "No getting freaky."

Ximena chuckled, "And who were you planning on getting freaky with?"

"I'm not talking about me! I'm talking about you and Oscar." Ximena slapped Jamal harder, earning a loud shush from the librarian.

She held up a hand, "Sorry." She looked at Jamal's fake cast on his arm, "So, I see your fake injuries are still a thing."

"Blame God for not blessing me with any athletic abilities."

"I was thinking of trying out for the cheer team."

"You," Jamal's eyes widened, "a cheerleader?"

She shrugged, "I used to be one at my old school and it's still early in the season so why not? Plus it would look good for colleges if I was apart of something throughout high school."

"Best believe I'll be at try outs, watching you shake those pom-poms."

"You're disgusting."

Instead of after school, like at her old school, try outs were during fourth period. Ximena didn't really mind, she would be getting out of Calculus.

She changed into her gym clothes and tied her hair up, waiting on the side of the field. She watched the other girls stretch and took that as a hint she should do the same. Working on her legs, she could see Jasmine approaching her.

"You trying out too?" Jasmine asked, loudly. She was wearing the tiniest shorts she could find and a t shirt that had the school's name on it.

Ximena nodded, "Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," Jasmine mimicked Ximena's stretching, struggling, "my doctor's saying I'm too inactive but I disagree. I'm very active, if you know what I mean."

"Sadly," Ximena groaned.

Two periods later, the group met up at lunch like usual. Ruby approached the table, excitedly, sitting down next to Jamal, "Tonight could be a game changer. I'm wearing indigo tonight. I thought we should claim colors to avoid outfit clashes," he looked around at everyone, "Indigo? Any objections. Oh, and my pants have red pockets. I know, it sounds weird, but it works."

He smiled to himself as Olivia raised her eyebrows, "What are the pockets for? Roofies?" Ximena looked at her sister, giving her a questionable look.

"So, what time should we meet?" Jamal asked.

Ruby nodded, "Yeah, let's get that in the books. The more specific, the better."

Jamal took out his phone, typing vigorously, "What are you guys thinking, like 8:00? 8:05? 8:10? I'm gonna play it by ear."

"I'm not sure I'm feeling it," Olivia cut in, making all the guys heads snap towards her.

Ruby began panicking, shaking his head, "What? Why?!"

The girl shrugged, "Not sure I'm in the mood to be objectified. If I want to see boners, I'll just go online."

Cesar spoke up, "Didn't you hear Principal Sarge? The dance is a no-bone zone."

Jamal scoffed, "Dude, are you kidding? Dances are cesspools of bad behavior."

"I don't want to go," Ximena said and Monse nodded her head, "Me neither."

Ruby rolled his eyes, picking at his lunch food, "Yeah, people get freaky, but what's wrong with getting freaky? I don't get it, explain it to us."

Cesar eyed Monse, "Why don't you wanna go? You were pretty excited this morning."

"That was before I remembered how lame dances are."

Olivia covered her mouth as she chewed, "And maybe we're just not in the mood."

Monse shook her head, grabbing her bag before standing up from the table, "So, take out any question that we're going tonight. The answer is no."

The answer didn't stay no. The girl's ended up changing their minds, taking an extra half an hour to change Ximena's but the girl ended up giving in. After they finished getting ready, Ximena drove them along with Ruby to the school. When they all arrived, a crowd of angry students were standing outside of the gates of the high school. They could hear Jasmine, the girl Ximena met at the Santos party, cursing up a storm.

"What's happening? What is it?" Monse asked, pushing past people to get to the front.

"Some bullshit is what it is!" Jasmine exclaimed, throwing her hands up, "They cancelled the dance because of a fight. Man, I mean, really? Two putas got into it in Life Skills yesterday, but we still managed to make our tamales. A fight ain't nothin."

"It wasn't just that," Jasmine's friend cut in, "Some fool pulled out a gun."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Who cares? It took me forever to get ready. I even shaved my chocha for this." The girl pointed downwards, earning a disgusted look from everyone, "And it was a two-man job."

Someone began pushing past the crowd again, when Ximena turned around she could see Cesar standing next to Monse.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

Monse turned, "Dance got cancelled because of a gun. I was actually really excited about it and ready to dance."

Cesar shook his head, "Too bad."

Monse smirked, touching Cesar's arm, "Yeah, it is too bad, huh? The night doesn't have to be a total waste. My dad is still gone."

Cesar's eyes widened, holding his arms out, "That is a great idea!" He cupped his hands around his mouth, "Yo, Monse's dad's out of town, so party at Monse's!"

SATIVA ✞ ON MY BLOCK [OSCAR DIAZ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat