1: I want the best one we've got.

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Harvey hated this. He knew Mike wasn't an associate, but that didn't mean they couldn't work together anymore. Of course, he wasn't about to go back on the deal they'd made either and since Mike was currently working on a pro bono case, he had to face the harsh truth -- he would have to find a new associate. Unfortunately, Louis made that entirely impossible.

"What do you mean, I can't hire my own associate?" Harvey questioned with a frown.

Louis swallowed hard as he could tell Harvey was about to have another outburst, and he really didn't feel like crying in the office today. He took a deep breath before finally saying, "What I mean, Harvey, is that I have already hired enough new associates. You can have any one of them. We simply cannot hire any more at this time."

Harvey clenched his jaw. Louis wasn't wrong, but, of course, he wasn't going to admit that. "Fine," he said after a couple of seconds, then turned around. "I want the best one we've got."

"Define best. Do you mean best in their class or..." Louis trailed off as Harvey had already left his office. "Goddamnit, Harvey."

He hadn't planned to look for the perfect associate for his fellow managing partner today, but Louis wasn't going to be the first to ruin their newfound friendship. After half an hour, he knew exactly who Harvey needed. Now all there was left was to hope that Harvey would see it the same way. Of course Louis knew that Harvey wasn't one to say women couldn't be lawyers -- not after being Jessica's mentee. Nonetheless, he wasn't sure he'd agree with Louis giving him an inexperienced 25-year-old that had just finished law school, who was an exceptionally pretty girl at that. Granted, she'd gone to Harvard Law, which was a bit of a rarity at Pearson Specter Litt nowadays, and she'd graduated top of her class.

Not much later, Louis was standing in the bullpen, looking for Harvey's future associate. "Hey. Hey, you," he said to a third-year-associate walking by. "Have you seen Julia today?" The boy nodded and pointed to a cubicle. And, indeed, there she was, working on a case Louis had given to her yesterday. "Julia Fisher," Louis said. "You're coming with me."

I hadn't even noticed my boss had been standing behind me until he said my name. "I... I'm sorry, Louis, I swear I'm almost done," I stuttered as I looked up at him, but he only shook his head. That was it. He was going to fire me.

"You no longer need to worry about it, I'm giving that case to Sara. You are coming with me. I'm not going to repeat it another time."

A lump was forming in my throat. I needed this job. I wanted this job. I wasn't even supposed to have this job as Pearson Specter Litt hadn't been looking for first-year-associates this time around. But my dear friend Katrina had put in a good word for me, and now here I was, fucking it all up by being too slow. Despite my worries, I stood up and followed Louis without further inquiries. At least he wouldn't fire me right here with everyone watching if I went with him, right?

To my surprise, Louis didn't take me to his office. He took me to Harvey Specter's. I had never talked to the man, only seen him around and, of course, heard all about him. Why would Louis bring me to him? As we walked inside, Harvey, who had been previously staring out of the window, turned around. Upon seeing me, he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"May I introduce? Julia Fisher, your new associate," Louis said with a grin.

My mouth fell open. That was the last thing I'd expected to happen. Me, the Harvey Specter's associate? There was just no way.

"She's the best?" Harvey asked as he walked towards me.

"She is," Louis replied. "Harvard graduate, top of her class. Has managed not to disappoint me yet."

A sly smirk flashed over Harvey's face. "Let's hope she won't disappoint me."

By this point, I'd regained my composure. At least enough to speak again. "I won't," I said with as much confidence I could muster.

"Good," he said and stuck out his hand. "The name's Harvey Specter."

I held back a chuckle as I shook his hand. "I know."

"Of course you do." He shook his head slightly, a barely noticeable smile on his face. "Well, Louis, I guess that means you can go now. And you -- Julia, was it? -- have work to do."

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