Year: 1946

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Ethan's head rested on his desk. Mark saw him, perfectly fine. "Ethan?" Mark started. Ethan quickly looked in his mirror. He looked more mature than the last time. He's 19 now, and the war ended a year ago.

"Mark?" Ethan's eyes lit up the moment he saw Mark. He smiled. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to hug Mark because he was right.

"You're right! I survived but..." His face fell when he remembered that his brother didn't make it. "My brother, he died."Mark felt guilty. His heart dropped.

"I'm sorry Ethan, I didn't know,"

"It's okay, I'm over it. But he was just," He sighed, "he was my older brother, we were so close. He liked to spoil me without wanting anything in return. I couldn't save him, there was a bomb that came into our way," Ethan started to cry at the memory. He was guilty, "it's all my fault!"

"Ethan, don't say that it was the bombers fault, not yours. You didn't set the bomb, they did."

Ethan sniffed and wiped his eyes. He smiled. He was thankful Mark was here. How much he missed him.

Mark tried to cheer him up. He sang for him. Ethan said he's got the voice of an angel. Mark blushed at the compliment. Mark started to tell cheesy jokes. Ethan laughed so hard. The exchanged jokes for an hour until Ethan told him about when he was 14. He was meaning to talk to him. After school, 14-year-old Ethan would wait in front of his mirror for Mark to show up. He did this until he turned 15. 15 were when he found his first girlfriend. He still tried to wait for Mark, but he gave up eventually and lost all hope.

Mark said about how his time works. Ethan didn't get it at first but got it eventually when Mark re-explained that hours or minutes in his present timeline, Ethan's would be years, whenever he turns his laptop off.

They chatted maybe flirted until Mark drifted to sleep. It was 12 PM in his timeline. Ethan watched him sleep. He whispered to himself that Mark was so cute. He sighed dreamingly and said goodnight to Mark. Mark's laptop shut off shortly after.

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