Chapter 2

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I'm at the Hospital and caught up with Bonnie so we walked in together to find Matt. "Hey, Matt." I said giving him a hug."

"Hey guys."

"You been here all night?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, with the Sheriff."

"And no one else?" I asked him.

"Ah... you're friend Damon stopped by late last night." I looked at Bonnie and shared a look.

"How is Caroline today?" I asked.

"See for yourself." Matt said moving to her room. We walked in and I smiled at her and ran to her giving her a massive hug.

"Ooh, Careful! I'm still a little sore." I quickly pulled away from her.

"Right sorry." Bonnie stood next to me and hugged her. I could feel myself start to cry.

"They say I'm healing really quickly now."

"My turn." Matt said and kissed her.

"Oh... Isn't he cute?" Caroline asked us. "Why are you guys crying."

"Oh Tara, Bonnie." Matt wrapped his arm around me, that's when my tears started to fall.

"I'm just so happy you're ok." I told her.

"Aww... I love you guys!" Caroline told us 3.

"We love you." Bonnie told her.


I walked up the steps of the Lockwood Mansion to see Tyler standing there. I sighed out and continued to walk towards him and stopped next to him. "I'm so sorry Tyler."

"He was a dick." He told me.

"I know, but still, I'm sorry about your father." I gave him a quick hug.

"Go on inside." He told me and I smiled at him walking into the house filled with people. I saw Damon in the dining room and walked to him.

"Hey." Damon said.

"Hi. Thank you." I told him, smiling.

"Of course, she is your bestfriend." I nodded to him.

"And about last night, I'm sorry I shoved you away and everything." I told him

"No it's fine I get it." Damon told me and I nodded my head and suddenly there was a wave of awkward around us.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"Great, Tara. Walking on sunshine. Thanks for asking.

"Damon..." I said annoyed.

"Tara..." He mocked me.

"Come on we should be able to talk about what happened. I care about you."

"I kissed your sister, I thought she kissed me back. Doppelganger hijinks ensued. How do you think I'm doing." He said sassily. I felt a pang when he said he wanted her to kiss back but I tried not to show it.

"I'm sorry." I told him and walked away and saw Stefan and Elena and walked over to them. "Hey, Stefan, Elena."

"Not Elena." Stefan told me.

"We haven't officially met, I'm Katherine." She smiled at me.

"I've heard things about you."

"Great things I bet." She said cheerily.

"Actually it's that you're a selfish, controlling, manipulative, bitch." I told her. Her smile got wiped of her face and she looked at me pissed off.

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