We quickly but quietly walked upstairs. I turned the door knob. It did not move. It is locked.

"What do I do?" I muttered to myself. "What do I do? "

I looked around. There were the peanut butter jars. I grabbed two and threw them at the window I spotted in the far corner. I told Mac to do the same. Soon enough, the glass broke. There were shards of glass still in the frame of the window, so I covered my hand with my sleeve and knocked them away.

"Come here." I said to Mac, not turning to face her. I could here her foot steps as she traveled closer.

I grabbed her foot and heaved her tiny body through the window. I grabbed onto the window sill and pushed my body through the open window.

"Run!" I shouted. Mac and I sprinted as fast as possible away from the house.



We ran, ran away from the house where we were kidnapped. I heard Mac's footsteps slow down. I turned around.

"What?" I panted as I slowed down.

'I'm really tired." Mac whined.

I looked at her face and saw that she was sweaty and crying. We sat down for a while, remembering what happened. Where do we go? I thought. The police? What if they're in on it, too? Wow, I'm really paranoid.

I decided that the police station was the safest place to go, so I thought about where it was. Mac and I started to walk up Cherry Road. I saw a sign for Target at the end of the road. I headed for it. Mac followed, not making a sound. The sign said that the Target was to the right and down the road, so I turned right and walked down the road. I spotted the familar red target. Soon enough, Mac and I were walking through the automatic doors and into the store.

I walked up to the closest cashier and said, "Do you know where the police station is?"

"Exit the shopping center, turn right, then left, then left, then right, then straight. You can't miss it." He replied, a bit suprised that two kids were asking where to police station was. I thanked him and turned to face Mac.

"Ok, remember that. right, left, left, right, straight." I said.

We followed those directions and ended up in front of a big building. There was a sign that said 'London Police Station'.

"Well, here we are." I said, turning to face Mac. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up the large staircase. I opened the heavy door and walked over to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the police officer said, still looking at her computer screen.

"Um, my sister and I were being chased by some men. we do not feel safe. Please help us." I said, my voice shaking.

The officer looked up. Her eyes grew big from surprise. "I will need you to fill out these forms, and may I ask how old you are and where your parents are?" she asked.

"Um, I'm 15 and my sister is 10. Our parents are- um-. They died." I said softly.

The officer opened her mouth in a small O. She closed it. "Oh, I'm sorry-"

"It's ok." I said quickly, cutting her off. I turned on my heel and walked to a nearby bench. I sat down and started to fill out the paperwork. I worked quickly and silently. I didn't realize Mac sat down next to me until she tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I asked. She pointed. Three of the men that were chasing us were standing across the street from the police station. I walked up to the officer that we talked to earlier.

"Three of the men that were chasing us are across the street. Two of then are wearing red and blue baseball caps. The third is wearing a brown cowboy hat." I said.

The officer called over another police officer.

The second officer said "Are you sure?" And when I nodded he called over three other officers. He told them what they needed to do and said "Lets go." The officers walked out the door.



The officers walked out of the door. They walked across and walked up to the men. They were ten feet away when the men saw them. The man in the brown cowboy hat said something to the other men and they ran. The officers were expecting this and sprinted after them. They turned the corner, and I could not see anything else. I turned to face Mac when the officer at the desk started to talk. I stopped my rotation and was facing the desk.

"Well, I guess you were right." She laughed. "Not that I doubted you." She quickly added. I looked at the nameplate on her desk. It read ROSE PATTERSON.

I looked away from Rose and saw Mac. Her eyes were wide with fear.

"It's ok. We'll be safe." I said, not sure what to say to comfort her.

"Are you sure?" Mac said, looking hopeful. I nodded. I guess what I said helped.

Just then, the four police officers walked through the big, wooden doors. Three of them were dragging the struggling men.

"Let us go!" The man in the cowboy hat demanded.

They were pulled down the hall and into one of the interrogation rooms.

"Girls?" Rose said. she motioned for us to follow her.

We entered a door and I realized it was the other side of the mirror. We were watching men that chased us.

"Why were you running?" the officer in the interrogation room asked.

"We wanted to get exersise." The cowboy hat man said.

"WHY WERE YOU RUNNING?!" The officer bellowed.

The men did not respond. The officer repeated his question.

"I want my lawyer."

"Can we go? I'm hungry." Mac piped up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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