Alec ~ Reunited cont.2

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Alec POV ~

"I-is t-that?" Izzy questions, almost not allowing herself to believe it.

"Yes," I breathe out.

"Get Hodge now!" I state, sweeping her up into my arms and sprinting her to the infirmary knowing that she is on deaths doorstep.

Izzy nods her head and runs towards the training room where Hodge most likely is but I barely take notice as I cradle her in my arms. I'm careful not to squeeze her too tight as I hear her draw in a deep breath before exhaling it back out in a deep, body shuttering cough.

"JACE" I scream as I burst through the infirmary doors and lay her down on the nearest empty bed.

I immediately start looking for the source of her injury but there are too many for me to find the main source.

I notice Clary stumble inside after me still wondering what is happening.

"Clary this is your chance to actually be helpful and not think of yourself" I state turning to her, tears of helplessness gathering in the waterbed of my eyes,

She nods her head "Yes, anything, I'll do it" She states loudly, stepping towards me.

"Call Magnus and get him to come over here now, these wounds cannot be healed with runes," I say, turning back to bed she lay upon.

"no" I hear a voice whisper, so much pain and anguish in that one word. I almost can't stand up myself being able to feel not only my own pain but also my parabatai's.

"It can't be" "Alec, tell me it's not her" Jace shouts at me turning towards me and grabbing my shoulder's roughly.

The look on my face is enough to confirm both our deepest fears, it's her.

Jace runs to her bed and cradles her body to his chest sobbing into her hair.

"No, no, I refuse this" He whispers multiple times shaking his head.

"Jace we need to think straight here she needs our help" I state shutting off my emotions for the time being.

Jace nods his head and grabs out his stele. He lifts up her top and I immediately look away out of respect and instinct.

Jace traces the iratze rune on her body multiple times but nothing happens. He's quickly frustrate and slams his stele down, breaking it in the process.

Before Jace can do anything else Hodge and Izzy come storming in, sweat starting to collect along their hairlines.

"It's not possible, it can't be her" Hodge mutters to himself taking cautious steps towards her body as if she was a snake that may strike at any moment.

"Please, Hodge you have to help her" Jace whispers to him, grabbing his hand in a begging manner.

"I will do what I can" Hodge states solemnly before cutting through her shirt to reveal a deep gash on her left side that starts just below her armpit and reaches an inch below her ribs. It's bleeding profusely and doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

"This is the smallest wound she has" Hodge states, more to himself than us. He grabs a cloth to try and stop the bleeding.

"Here, Jace hold this towel to her body tightly" Jace does as told, his eyes not once straying from her face.

My eyes glaze over as more unshed tears threaten to break through. I sweep my gaze over her body just now noticing the protruding ribs and dark circles that stand out prominently against her once tan skin.

The gentle rise and fall of her chest cease and we all watch her waiting for it to recommence like the previous times, but it doesn't.

Hodge immediately starts CPR on her and it takes all my strength not to shove him off of her, even if it is benefiting her. I can see Jace is struggling with it as well.

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