Screaming out of anger, hatred, pain and sorrow, he darted the man a death glare. His eyes were in fury and he was breathing heavily. Seeing a smirk plastered on the man's face, he got up, took the gun from the man and shot him right on the head in less than a second. Discontented with this, he aproached the corpse and snapped its neck.

Min Soo's POV...

1 Week passed....

"Seungcheol is here to see you. Will I let him in?" Dad asked and I shook my head in response. I heard him sigh as he headed for the door.

It has been a week since I lost someone precious. Mom fainted when she heard the news but Dad remained strong and never showed his weak side. Although sometimes I hear him weep and mourn for the death of his daughter. No one ever blamed me. Dad never blamed me for what happened, all the more reason to feel it's fucking better to die than to live carrying this guilt on my shoulders. I was there. I was supposed to protect her yet it turned out she put her life on the line to save mine. I'm such a fucking failure as a police, as a son and as a brother. What am I gonna do now with my life? Up until now, I've lived my life with the goal of protecting my family. Now, it's clear I can't do that anymore.

Seungcheol comes everyday but I always send him off. I can't face him. I've lost that right the moment I lost Anna. I know he despises me now and I accept that. I deserve it.

Another week has passed and I decided to resume my duties.

The day was uneventful thus, making it so long. I took my leave before the bell started to ring. I went to the parking lot and saw a lone figure standing by my car. I narrowed my eyes and instantly recongnized the person.

Dammit. What's he doing here?!

He walked his way to meet me and when we were close enough, he landed a blow on my left cheek. "That's for rejecting me this past few weeks."

He wouldn't stand a chance against me if I were to fight back but I just let him punch me. I needed something like this.

He grabbed me by my collar and punched my right cheek as well. "And that's for blaming yourself, you idiot!"

No, not again. I don't want to hear the same words.

"You wanna take all the fucking blame? Then fine! Take it all for all I care. Just listen to this Min Soo. I won't forgive a man who can't even find a place in his heart to forgive himself." With that, he walked away.

I'm sorry Seungcheol. I want you to forgive me as much as I want to turn back time. I just can't forgive myself yet. I was the one who killed your girlfriend, my sister. I'd be a  damn monster if I'd forgive myself.

Weeks, months and years eventually passed by. I kept myself occupied with work to get my mind off my sin but it still haunts me. I still have that scene in my dream every night and it's agonizing as hell.

"Min Soo, can I have a word with you?" My chain of thoughts was cut by dad. I nodded and followed him to his room.

"I want you to accept a job for me." Hearing his words elated me. He trusts me and I can live content with that.

"I want you look after a girl- a daughter of a close friend of mine. Someone is after her life and she needs to stay out of her predator's eyes." Emotions started to flicker in my eyes by his words but I succeeded in hiding them back.

"I couldn't even protect Anna. What made you think I can protect a girl I don't even know?" My voice raised and my breathing became heavy, just by saying my sister's name brings back the dark past.

"We've gone through this Min Soo. Stop blaming yourself." Dad said, securing me in his sturdy arms. "And I wouldn't say you don't know her. Remember Nam Jae Eun?"

I furrowed my brows and thought hard.

Jae Eun?!

"Yes, yes. I remember her." I told him. "But still, I can't do it. Call me a coward but I just don't want to lose someone ever again." My eyes pleaded with my dad's, hoping he'd accept my request.

"You'd surely lose her if you don't accept this offer." He told me. I flinched back by what he said.

No, I don't want to feel that pain anymore.

"What do I need to do?" I asked earnestly.

I'm not losing anyone anymore.

"Take over your mom's restaurant and employ her there. I'm not asking you to give up your other job though. I believe you can manage both." I gave him a firm nod and he smiled contently in return.

"Just remember, do not reveal to her anything until I say it's okay. It's for her own safety."

"Yes, I completely understand."


"Hello, I'm Nam Jae Eun. And I'm here to---"

"I know why you are here-obviously for a job." I rolled my eyes at her which clearly earned me a bad impression on her perspective.

I see you still don't remember me. I'm sorry Jae Eun but I believe this is the right path to take. I'm glad to see you again though. Don't worry, I'll protect you and I won't fail this time.

"I want you to start working right now." I commanded.

"Right now?"

"Are you deaf?"

"Grumpy." She murmured but I heard her.

"Did you say something?" I asked and raised my eyebrows at her.

"No, I didn't." She then gave off an innocent and sweet yet forced smile.

You've changed. You're no longer that sweet and weak girl. You're still bad at lying though.

Yes, I may be protecting Jae Eun because deep in my heart, I'm hoping I could atone my sins to Anna but whatever my reason is, I'll make sure I'll succeed this time

So much for the drama. I hoped you guys didn't get tired reading the longest chapter yet and I hope this answered some of your questions. Please comment and vote. See you next chapter!

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