The Glow

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When you first find out you are pregnant no matter the situation you get the proud glow. You can do something incredible: growing a miracle inside you. Others may dream of this moment and you are (finally) pregnant. No matter the situation this miracle is yours. Every week has his own struggle and until week 12 anything can go wrong. It's not what I believe because at any moment anything can go wrong.

*my own experience: I didn't believe it until I heard his heart beat again. It stopped when I felt him kicking. So you just can't believe how long I was worrying.

No worry just go to your check Ups and it will me okay. No matter the situation the partner has to know. Take your time to prepare but don't wait too long. I told him a day before I took the test I missed my period and the next day I showed him the test. Find your own way to tell him about your wonder. I really advice you to consult with your partner the whole pregnancy. It will keep him involved and you don't feel alone. Talking about concerns really helps. Stay open no matter the problems. Believe me pregnancy isn't what the movies tell you. Your body will change a lot and it's not going to be pretty. At the end a baby is going through a tiny hole. Be honest to the father he won't judge it is a thing every woman has to go through.

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