Chapter 6

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Ebony's P.O.V

I was walking down the street out of boredom. I have to admit, walking down a street aimlessly with no work to to, is actually pretty fun. All of a sudden, a transmission that came over the TV's as I passed them. I looked over, and they were from the SPK. Immediately, I pulled out my phone and listened to the transmission through that while I walked away from the street, and up to some random house. It's owners weren't inside, so I broke in and walked up to their computer. I logged on to my personal message board and saw the information the SPK said they would give. Everything worked for me apart from the location. It was some park that I've never heard of. I looked it up, and after realizing where it was, I didn't feel like walking for an hour and a half just to meet up with people who want to get me arrested. I will be willing to meet them halfway though. I call one of my allies and ask if he will go to the park and take them to our first meeting place. He agrees and I hang up. I start a broadcast directly to the SPK headquarters. When it starts up, I am just about to speak, when someone else does instead.

The voice on the other side says "Besides, Even if it doesn't, she wouldn't try to kill us either way."

"Why? How are you so sure?" This voice I recognize. Based on what she sounds like, she is without a doubt Halle Linder, one of Takada's female bodyguards.

"Well I though you'd never ask Linder!" I say

There are a few gasps as they are probably processing what is happening right now. Eventually, one of them speaks up.

"Who are you?" A stern voice asks.

"Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet. Hello members of the SPK, I am Ebony." I pause for a minute to see if any of them want to say anything.
"The reason I won't kill any of you is because I am not the monster you think I am. Sure I'm not above killing people, but I'm not wasteful. I take their lives for a specific reason. What reason would I have to kill two or more people when they are the only chance I have at being the number one criminal again. That's right I knew you just tried to annoy me with that line. Your not as clever as you think you are. Now for what I contacted you for, I live a little ways away from the park you have chosen, and I can't make it there. I will however meet you half way. If your willing that is."

A response came rather quickly compared to what I usually get.

"Okay, where do we meet up then?"

"How about the creep house?"

I send them a picture of an old worn down house. This was my ally's and my first meeting place.

"It looks good to me. Just where is it?"

"I don't want to tell you that. Instead just go to the park like you planned. There you will meet this man."

I send them a picture of a young looking man with messy brown hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a black hoodie in the picture, with an identical face mask to mine as well as blue tinted goggles.

"His name is Jack. When you find him, tell him that you want to see me. He will take you to meet me."

There is a long pause before anyone say anything. Eventually someone breaks the silence.

"Alright we will do it. Are the date and time staying the same."


"Very well."

I end the transmission shortly after, and begin to look around the house. After a while of searching, I find 1,000$ in cash and 5,000$ in jewelry.

"How much do these people have?" I say aloud. I pack everything into a backpack I had with me, and I leave. After fleeing the scene I head to the place Jack and I have agreed to meet up.

The War of Black and WhiteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя