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After searching for the perfect sample of food for what felt like ages, the team had finally decided on pizza to give to the teachers. „Come on, guys, the other teams could've already finished," Astoria said, as she walked in front of the group. „Calm down, Astoria, we already have a bunch of awesome grades for this semester. Take it easy," Hawk sighed. He was following right behind her, in toe with Joy. Travis and LingLing made the back of their formation. They were holding hands and Travis was pointing everywhere, explaining the different buildings or items to LingLing. She seemed very interested, always asking questions or commenting.

Suddenly, Astoria's dog began barking at something behind a tree. „I'm sorry, my dog isn't like this most of the time," Astoria apologized, while picking up her pet. He however had other plans. He jumped out of her hands and ran behind the tree, causing the living cookie to jump out of it's hiding spot. „It's one of the Shortbread Witches minions!" Hawk exclaimed, grabbing his wand, „After it!"

The team chased the cookie through the neighborhood. They ran over the streets without looking and ran over people on the sidewalk. These actions were replied with angry honks and some cursing. But they didn't care. There was a villain on the loose.

Finally, they saw the cookie run into a bakery. They snuck to the window and peaked in. They saw a huge oven. And in front of it stood the Shortbread Witch. She was staring and talking to someone. The second person was hidden behind a shelve. The oven lid opened slowly, revealing gingerbreadmen that looked similar to their classmates. „Our classmates are trapped in her oven!" Hawk gasped in alarm, „We must rescue them with maximum valor."
„Wait! What is we made..." Astoria cried out just as Hawk busted the door open with his foot, „...a plan."

Hawk busted the door open, without hearing what his teammates were saying. He was now in hero-mode. The door gave way, revealing the inside of the bakery. "Villain!" he shouted, "release our..." His eyes fell on the Shortbread Witch, who was pinned to the ground by a young blonde. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore a black jacket, light pink T-shirt, jeans with black sneakers. She had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. Before he could say anything, Travis called from behind, "Rose! What are you doing here?"

Rose stared at the blue-haired boy for a moment, when she heard Travis call her. "Travis?! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Regal Academy?" she asked her good friend. "We were sent to Earth for an assignment. We're supposed to find a sample of the food that best represents Earth," Travis explained, "Why are you pinning the Shortbread Witch to the ground?" "Mags, here, got her powers back and has trapped some people in her oven," Rose replied, "Anyway, hey, green-haired girl, could you shut the door please? Thanks." Rose grabbed her wand, "Pumpkin magic!" At once a pumpkin appeared and it's vines wrapped themselves around the witches hands, feet and mouth. Seeing as Maggie was now tied up and no longer a threat, Rose cut the power and opened the oven. On the tray she saw several frightened gingerbreadmen and -women. Travis had walked up to her and looked at tray. The gingerbread people relaxed at the sight of Travis and they started cheering. "Let me guess. These are your classmates," Rose commented as she gave him the tray. She then swung her backpack off her back, unzipped it and pulled out a jar of blue liquid. She handed the jar to the asian girl who had walked over to Travis' side. Rose guessed she was LingLing, since she recognized the girl from the dozen drawings that Travis had shown her. "You must be LingLing, Travis' girlfriend. You're more beautiful in real life than in Travis' drawings. Sorry, Travis, but you should really use some colour for your drawings." Travis blushed at the remark. LingLing gave him a sly look. "Oh you've seen drawings of me. How many?" "At least a dozen, but I have only had the luxury of seeing a sixth of his art. Who knows how many drawings he actually has of you." Rose laughed as Travis turned even redder. "Now, you'll never see my art again," he murmured. "Don't be like that," Rose chuckled, "You know I like to tease my friends a bit. Anyway, this is a spell breaking potion. Two drops is enough." LingLing took the jar and nodded. "You guys take care of your friends, I'll deal with Maggie," Rose commanded, then waved her wand. At once the pumpkin, which tied Maggie together grew four extra vines. The extra vines started moving and they walked Maggie out of the shop into the apartment behind it, Rose following behind.

Hawk watched the entire interaction with widened eyes. So this was the Rose Travis had mentioned yesterday. "But if she's from Earth, how can she use magic?" he wondered. When Rose commanded them to stay put and "take care" of their classmates instead of the actual villain, he quite appalled. "How dare she thinks, she can command me around!" he thought angrily as he followed her out of the shop. "Hawk!" Travis warned, but Hawk ignored him.

Travis bit his lip. He knew as Rose gave out her command one person would get quite upset. Hawk hated it, when he wasn't part of the main action in a fight against a villain. He could barely handle it when his grandmother, Snow White, commanded him to stop playing hero, let alone Astoria. So if a teen Hawk didn't know, was keeping him out of the main action, Hawk would never stand for. The thing was Hawk hadn't met anyone like Rose yet.

As you can see I ship Lingvis (LingLing x Travis) They're perfect for each other.

So who do you think will win the battle in the next chapter?

Hawk or Rose?

Tell me in the comments. ;)

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