Chapter Three:Found

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As you swung through the trees you began to notice the sun was at a midday point. Your gas was almost out, so you had to find a tree branch to land on quickly. All you saw was thin branches that will break easily on most of the trees. Suddenly you felt yourself stop. You began to fall to the floor. You tried to grab onto something but nothing was close enough. As you fall your hood falls back revealing your face fully. You had (H/L) (H/C) flowing behind you. Your (E/C) eyes showed fear. Your vision began to blur as your head slammed into a tree trunk causing blood to fall. With your blurred vision you grab onto a thin branch.

It broke due to the unstable form of branch causing you to fall to the floor. You hit the ground a great amount of pain surging through your body. Another feeling of pain went through you as you felt the branch fall stop your leg. It hurt worse than the impact with the floor.,"H-HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" you began to cry,"Ple-ase som-meon-e he-lp m-me!" You began to choke on the waterfall of tears flowing from your eyes. Your vision began to gain black spots from the loss of blood. Your vision was soon consumed by darkness.



"What?" Levi asked as he looked at me.

"She's missing. I went to go find her. She is no where in the building!" I shouted slamming my hands on his perfectly clean desk.

"And?" he asked his brow arching.

"Aaaaaaaand I want you to help me find her!"

"No way in hell am I going to join your 'search party' to find the titan girl."

"Leeevvvvviiiiiii," I complained,"She is a Scout Captain just like you! We NEED her! And you know it!"

He sighed,"Fine what's in it for me?"

"I'll...." I said finguring out what to say,"Stop calling you Captain Shorty."


We both walked out the door to search for (Y/N).


After hours and hours of searching I saw something. I ran towards it and my chocolate eyes widened at what I saw. It was (Y/N) with a fallen branch on her legs, blood streaming down her face, ripped clothes, and hundreds of scratch marks. But what suprised me the most was her hood was off her face revealing something beautiful.

"LEVI!" I shouted.

"WHAT?" he replied.


In a few minutes Levi was standing in front of (Y/N) and me. We lifted the giant branch off her, and Levi picked up her small, beaten form. "So this is what she looks like under the hood."

I rolled my eyes and the two of us walked away with (Y/N) returning with us.

(A/N): Sorry it's short but hey 2 updates in one day!!!!

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