Chapter Five

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I heard the noise of a car pulling up into the drive way and looked out the window. It was that girl. The one who took my journal, what did she think of me? I cant believe i forgot to take it to the bathroom with me, i bet none of this would have happened if i took it with me. I walked down to the kitchen to confront her in a nice way. But the minute i heard her voice i just got so angry i couldn't hold it in. The door opened and i slammed her into the wall angrily. "GIVE ME BACK MAH JOURNAL YEW STUPID BITCH" i growled angrily, Noodle slapped the back of my head hardly "Thats not a nice way to greet someone Toochi" Noodle growls pushing me off her. I knew i should have been nice but i needed that journal back i needed to write this down even if she saw the other notes.

"SHE HAS MAH JOURNAL" i screamed still pissed that she could steal from me. Noodle looked at her and she shrugged "trust me all i have in here is tampons and some scented candles" okay i didnt need to know that. I cringed hard, how could any girl stick something other then a ween up there? They are so weird. Maybe it was some sort of toy that made them feel good, ive asked noodle but she has never told me. "Please yew shouldn't steal" i whined hoping she would just give in. Noodle sighed "Toochi go upstairs" i frowned and ran off crying as loud as i could passing mudz on the way, i thought she would give in then but she didn't.

I sat in my room not being able to mess it up because she had cleaned it. It was so perfect and it would tick her off if i messed it up again. So i just couldn't. All of a sudden i had the urge to go apologize to her, i needed this girl in my life she was just so perfect. I ran to the stair case to see (y/n) slam my journal onto the table! I knew she had it! Murdoc and Noodle stared at her in shock. "bloody hell ya actually took it?!" Murdoc says loudly, Noodle clamped her hand over his mouth and whispered something to them. Then they turned to me and stared at me. Sudden anger hit me "I KNEW IT" i ran to the journal and snatched it up "fuck yew" i growled running off angrily.

Tears poured down my cheeks as i knew that (y/n) had read what i wrote and i knew that now she would never love me what so ever. Just as i was about to go into my room i heard Murdoc. "Stay with me love?" He asks. He was with her. she smiled widely "sure as long as i dont have to see 2D" the minute she said that my heart dropped. She was gone. Nothing else was in my mind except those three words.

She was gone.

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