chapter 13: catching up and a proposal

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Tony had rooms on my floor in Avengers tower put together for Peggy and Bucky. I was glad that tony was taking a liking to them and I finally had neighbors. It got really quite sometimes in this giant floor.


-\ TONY'S POV /-

The others had gone out, or so I thought. I was down in my lab working away with the music blaring. I would of never noticed someone walk in till the music stopped.


I turned around and saw peggy walk over from the stereo.


"Sorry to bother you. I didn't know I wasn't the only one here."

I smiled, "me too. What can I do for you?"

"I came to see how you were doing? it's been sometime since I last saw you. I wanted to see the man you have become."

"I see... just a second," I turned to the armor I was working on, "Jarvis start the paint job now. I'll work on the the rest of this after," I closed up the panel I was in then grabbed the towel next to me and cleaned my hands and wiped my face.

"So... what did you want to know."

"The one thing I was fortunate to get while I was locked away was a television. I got to see the stark expos continue and your battles also the fight in manhattan. But I don't want to know that."

"You want to know why I've got this," he tapped his chest."


"Peggy you know your the closest thing I have to a mom."


I interrupted her," ya she was my mom but you were the person I grew up with. You took to me and we're more apart of my life than they ever were," I led the way out of the lab and back to the living area.


We sat at the chairs on the balcony when I started to tell her about the weapons demonstration then how I was captured. I continued to tell her about the surgery and Yensen.

"God tony I'm so sorry."

"Rhodey, a friend, never stopped looking for me and he eventually found me. When I got home I built this to last longer."

"You really are your fathers son. Always tinkering away with your gadgets."

We both laughed.

"Peggy thank you for being there for me."

"I'll always be there for you tony. It means a lot to me that you think of me as a second mom so, thank you."

"So do you have any plans. I'm a bit hungry and I'm sure you'd like to get out and see the world."

"I do."

I got up from my chair," I had pepper bring some clothes for you. There in your closet. I hope there are something's that might fit you. I'm going to run up to my room and shower."


"I'll meet you here in an hour peggy," I ran off. When I got to my room I called Steve.

---- phone call ----


"Were getting ready to leave."

"How long tony?"

"An hour at the least. You almost ready?"

"Ya. Were trying to get the camera men already."

"Alright. I'll call when we get in the car."

"Got it. Will be waiting here."

"You wearing your uniform?"

"Not yet. I'm going to put it on when you leave. I don't need the distractions right now."

"Alright. See you in a bit."

"Wear a suit tony."

"Bye Steve," I hung up then got in the shower.


I met peggy then we made our way down to my car.

"So where are we off to tony?"

"This place that serves shawarma. the team and I went down there after the battle in manhattan. It was pretty good. I think you'd like it."

When I shut the car I called Steve back.


"Were on our way. 15 minutes."

"Got it."

I hung up the phone as I got into the car.

"Who was that?"

"The girl I told you about"


"Ya. She needs me to go into the office tomorrow to sign a few things."

I drove off.

"She sounds important to you tony"

"She is. I'm lucky to have her."

"Keep her close."

"I will"


I pulled over and parked. I then went and opened Peggy's door.

"There's never parking by the restaurant. Were walking from here."

We walked into time square. Peggy let go of my arm when she saw steve in his captain america uniform. she didnt notice that i stopped following which was good because i went to give the ok to the camera men and the police to block of the area. when everything was ready  i gave a thumbs up to steve and saw him smile. then he put the mic up to his mouth and started to speak.

"you and i have been to hell and back. we've seen the good and we've also seen the bad. you are the only girl i ever loved and you've been and always will be the right partner for me," i watched steve get down on his knee and pull out the ring from his pocket," so what im trying to say is, will you... will you marry me?"

i turned to see that people had filled every possible spot behind the blockade. the crowd was filling with anticipation waiting to hear the answer. when i looked back i saw peggy lean down toward the mic and say, "yes." the crowd cheered as steve placed the ring on Peggys finger and kissed her. when they walked over to me the police cleared the blockade and the camera men turned off their cameras so the ads could continue to play.

"tony did you know?"

i smiled.

"thank you tony," steve placed his hand on my shoulder,"thank you."

"dont mention it," i handed him my keys," there are reservations at the resturant you told me about and everything is already paid for so order what ever you want. congradulations you to. have fun."

peggy walked over and kissed my cheek,"thank you."

"you're welcome. have fun."

peggy wrapped her arm around steves then the two walked away. when they were gone Sam walked over," you need a lift?"

"ya. thanks."

i followed him to hs truck then we left.

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