Chapter 10: stark mansion

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We stood across the street from stark mansion.

"The roof. I think that's the best. No one would think to look there."

"Steve are you sure?"

I looked at May," what do you think?"

"I don't know. But the three of you can't go in. Let me just hand deliver it."


I handed her the envelope then she began to walk away. I said," wait." May turned around and came back.

I took out a little capsule and she placed the envelope in it then left. When the door opened we saw a young Tony stark.


"What can I do for you."

"I was asked to hand deliver this to you from my boss," She handed over the capsule, "please do not open this until June of 2014."

"What! why?"

"That's What my boss asked me to tell you. He also wanted me to tell you he said he was sorry Mr. Stark."

"I don't... oh never mind. I won't open it till then."

"Thank you Mr. Stark."

"Have a nice day Ms."

"You too," she smiled at him before leaving.

Tony shut the front door to the mansion when she left the property.


"So what did he say?"

"He's not going to open it till June of 2014."

"Thank you."

Bucky looked up at the sky," it's already dark."

"We should end up," before I could say anything we ended up sitting on the same bench over looking Howard Starks funeral.

James looked at me," how many times have you watched this?"

"This would make it our third time."

May stood up,"how long do we have left?"

"It's always been a couple hours."

"What do you do till time resets?"

"Steve took me dancing, the second time was the beach..."

"Want to just stay?"

"We can't well cause a scene. The outer peggy carter is down there."

We all got up and left.


When time faded away and when I woke back up it was days before we landed in Germany.

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