Chapter 18

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I stared at the figure laying down inside the ICU and I sighed as I winced at the numerous amount of tubes that were inserted into her in order to keep her alive. A few hours ago, I have discovered her in a car accident and I dragged her out of the taxi and brought her along with the taxi driver to the nearest hospital.

The police came a few minutes ago and I gave my statements to them, telling them all about what I have witnessed. Same goes for my sister who left straight after because she wanted to eat and I refused to leave as there is no-one there to take care of Na MiWon. Her mother is not here yet so I can't leave yet.

The police told me that a gang is involved in the car accident and they have been trying to track them down as soon as they had clues that the gangsters are involved. My first thought was the guys that I hang out but there could be other gangs around Seoul alone so that it is not possible but it is possible since I have stopped hanging out with them and they aren't that friendly to Na MiWon for as long as I can remember.

I have prevented them to do anything to MiWon as I'm the one that controls them while in school, I don't know what they would be if I'm not around. I bet that they treated her life like hell before I started to go to school regularly. MiWon didn't tell me anything about the guys and they wouldn't utter a word to me either, they wouldn't and Na MiWon won't ever trust me.

"Where is my daughter??" A familiar and sharp voice broke the temporary silence, the middle-aged high-class woman walked through the other nurses and slapped me in the face.

"You bastard, what have you done to my daughter!!" I clenched my mouth while bearing the pain. Why is she so concerned about her daughter all of a sudden?? Did she even care about her??

"What wrong did my daughter do to deserve this??" She shouted, grabbing me by the collar and I chose to keep quiet. It was a simple reason, she is an elder and it wasn't my fault at all.

"Eomeoni!!" The nurses pulled her away from me and I finally had some time to breathe normally. "Please calm down!!"

She pointed her finger at me as I stood straight. "It's him right?? He's the gangster that caused my daughter to be in a car accident??"

So the news of the gangsters being involved had travelled to her ears and she chose to blame it on me because obviously, I'm the gangster right here. My hair is in a mess, there is blood on my clothes and I look like a thug to everyone that sees me at first sight.

"It's not him, he is just the person that sent your daughter and the other man here." She explained to Mrs Na who is obviously way too shocked to accept anything at the moment, she needs someplace to rest.

"Eomeoni..." I slowly walked to her. "It's okay to blame me, I'm the cause of why your daughter hated me."

It is a fact that her life has been turned upside down ever since I entered her life, I have only brought nothing but trouble to her. I have made her life so miserable and it is clear that I should be punished for my wrongdoings.

"I'm sorry for what I have done to your daughter and I mean it. Hit me all you want if it makes you feel better."

A male voice came through and he was standing just behind us with a very calm facial expression, he was wearing a police officer's uniform. "Stop it, SooAe. There is no need to blame him, you are very sure who made MiWon this way."

"Why are you here?? You aren't MiWon's father anymore, you have nothing to do here. We have divorced a long time ago." She said to her ex-husband and I now fully understood why MiWon didn't have much happiness and lacked love. Her parents were divorced when she was young and she grew up with nothing but hurt and pain from the loss of a happy family.

"In the name of law, MiWon still bears my surname so she is my daughter." He commented to his ex-wife and she scoffed, he turned his attention to me who is still accepting the fact that Na MiWon's parents are like right in front of me. "You are..."

This made the usually impolite me to automatically bow in front of me like an obedient slave. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Song Minho and I'm Na MiWon's classmate."

"Classmate, huh?? Have a coffee with me at the café, meet you in 5 minutes while I settle with her mother first."

His politeness rendered me speechless and I found myself obeying him like a kind child, walking down to the café just at the ground floor of the hospital. I waited for him at one random table and he came just in time as I took my seat. "Do you want some coffee?? I will treat you." I watched him take out his wallet from his pocket and I put up two hands to protest, I can't let him pay for my drinks.

"It's okay, I don't need any drinks," I told him. "I'm not thirsty."

"Young man, when I say that it is a treat, it will be a treat." He said in such a cool way that I instantly want to learn. "Don't let your desires get crashed by your big ego."

So, I allowed him to treat and he brought two cups of Americano to the table once he got his orders. He sat down next to me. "Let me introduce myself again to you, not as a regular policeman but as your classmate's father. I'm Na YiSeok, Na MiWon's father. I'm not the best father in the world but when it comes to my family, I have made a great effort to make MiWon happy but I failed at my role as a father."

"You aren't a bad father. All fathers are good." Including mine that I don't treat well, he is still the person which I called my father.

"Right." He took a sip of it. "I have something to tell you that I didn't have time to tell you earlier."

"What is it??"

"The gangsters were from Bundang high school and they were MiWon's classmates, they were caught on the dashcam where the car accident took place." I was right, they were really after Na MiWon...

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