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"Dinah what's wrong?" Mani asked watching her as girlfriend pouted around the bed room looking for something to wear.

Dinah Jane rolled her eyes, mumbling a response, "I don't want to go out tonight." Her awnser barely audible as she threw some of her dress on the ground looking for something to wear.

"Your going to wrinkle them." Mani said walking to pick up Dinah's mess hanging them up in the closet.

"I'm just wearing jeans tonight." Dinah finally stated with annoyance.

Mani quickly reached out, grabbing Dinah's arm before she walk away, pulling her close "D tell me what's wrong."

Dinah rolled her eyes and shrugged "I'm not in the mood to go out tonight. I have a headache and Ally and Lauren are just going to make it worse by all the chippering they do."

Mani studied Dinah Jane's face her eyebrows raised in uncertainty, "What else."

Dinah Jane signed looking everywhere else but at ani "I just want to stay in... With just you." She clearing her throat, finding an invisible piece of lint on her hoodie and picking it off. Even though she and Mani had been together for just over a year, she still found it hard to express her feelings toward to dark-skinned girl, especially when they made her cheesy and vularable.

Normani bit back a smile, not wanting to scare Dinah in her little state of confusion. She was really happy and excited about what her girlfriend was trying to insinuate. She thought that maybe Dinah was mad at her by the way she was acting all evening, when in fact Dinah Jane wanted Mani all to herself "So you want to stay in?" Mani asked hoping Dinah would elaborate somemore into her feelings.

Dinah Jane huffed crossing her arms over her chest, "You went to work every night this week we went on a stupid double with Ally and Lauren and now tonight we have to go out with the whole group? We see them all the time."

Normani nodded her head about to suggest that they cancel their plans for tonight when, but before she could get a word out, Dinah had wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled Mani close and Mani was loving every second of it.

"Last week we went out because Camila was in town and normally I'm not want to pass on a good time, but Manz..." Dinah pouted resting her head on her shoulder and hiding her face in her neck, "I have cramps and I have a headache and I... I...just want to be with you."

"You are with me." Mani smiled enjoying every second of Needy Dinah, she lived for moment when DinahLet her guard down.

"Shut up, you know what I mean." Dinah Jane Mumbled squeezing her close.

"And here I am thinking you were mad at me."

"I am."

Mani gasped looking up at her. "Dinah Jane!?"

Dinah pulled away "You work to much."

"D" Mani said reaching out grabbing her collar of her hoodie pulling her back, "Stop. I do not. I told you this week was going to be crazy."

"Make it up to me then?" Dinah asked resting arms on Mani's hips. "Let cancel and stay in tonight."

"I was going to suggest that before you pouted to death." Normani teased.

Dinah finally smiled for a first time that time, "I order pizza?"

"I'll texted Blair." Mani said.

Dinah Jane leaned in pressing a quick kiss to Normani's lips, "Meet you on the Couch.

A bit later Mani and Dinah were cuddled up on the couch, indulging each other and sharing kisses.

"You still struggle with opening up to me." Mani whispered reaching up to cup Dinah's cheek, gently brushing her thumb over her soft skin.

Dinah Jane shrugged "But I still did."

"It's not like it used to be, you can trust me," Mani promised. "I trust you. And honestly there's nothing I'd rather do then spend time with you."

"I just do want it getting back to Lauren that I'm a softie at times," Dinah Jane mumbled, "She still scared of me." She slyly smirked.

Mani playfully rolled her eyes, "D you're romantic soft side can stay between you and I."

"Seal it with a kiss."

Mani smiled and leaned in. "Deal." She whispered before finally pressing their lips together.

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