Chapter two

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September 5th 2013, was the day I realised the severeness of my cancer, for 9 days now my body has been turned into shut down mode, my lungs have been rapidly declining and I've never felt so shit in my life, not that there's going to much of it left anyway. I convinced my mum to let me see Isaac as I wanted to catch up with him to see how he was doing. The door slammed open as a tall figure toddled through the door holding a long black cane.

"Isaac, how are you?" I said.

"Hazel Grace Lancaster, oh how I've missed you, where have you been hiding?" He replied.

"I've been stuck inside this hell hole, I hate hospitals"

"Doesn't everyone? Nothing good ever happens in them, how's the cancer?"

"It's getting worse Issac, I'm slowly drifting, I just want to leave the hospital and breathe in the fresh summer air one last time"

"So why don't we then?"

"what do you mean?"

"Grab my arm Miss Lancaster we're going to get some fresh air, you'll have to guide me though as I have no 'sense' of direction, I crack myself up"

"Still at the blind jokes I see Isaac"

I chucked on Augustus' hoodie because it almost felt like he was with me, put on my tattered converse and grabbed Isaacs arm.

"So where do you want to go Hazel?"

"Hm The Indianapolis Museum of Art"

"Erm.. Okay.."

"Augustus took me there when he told me we were going to visit Amsterdam, it means a lot to me"

"The Indianapolis Museum of Art it is then"

As I guided Isaac onto the fresh cut grass I saw the spot me and Augustus sat down to eat our picnic, so many emotions rushed through my mind all at once, it was too much for me.

"Are you alright Hazel?"

"Yes I'm fine"

I really wasn't this never ending pain was killing me, it really was, a world without Augustus waters really wasn't a world at all.

I took Issac with me to sit down on the 'Funky Bones' sculpture because my breathing felt short. But in that moment I felt a hand caressing mine, once again I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.

"It was a year the other day wasn't it?" Issac said.

"Yes it was, one year, one year without Augustus Waters"

"I miss him"

"So do I"

Once again I felt short of breath which was unusual as I was wearing my cannula which was pumping 2.5 litres of oxygen in side me every minute. My chest felt tight as if it was on fire, like it was being disintegrated. My head was an empty room shaking from the sound of an endless siren, pain filling me like a water poured into a glass. Pain demands to be felt, and at that moment I was screaming to let it know it had made it's mark. Isaac called for help as he didn't know what to do, a passer-by immediately stopped and called an ambulance. My eyelids grew heavy, my thoughts drifted and my surroundings faded as I heavily collapsed to the floor,

all I could remember in that moment was a bright white light.

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