The One Nobody Wanted

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"You're going to make a new Trainer very happy someday."

   Those had been the first words I ever heard. At first, I hadn't known what they meant. What was a Trainer? Was it some type of role? If so, how would I make the person with that role happy? But whatever it meant, I knew it was important.

   I grew up in a human town, spending most of my time in a large, open building accompanied by several humans and other Pokémon. It was a beautiful place, surrounded by trees and luscious green fields. The sun always seemed to be shining, and both me and the leaf atop my head greatly appreciated that.

   The building I lived in was very big, and very shiny. Everyone called it a "lab." It was an odd but interesting name. The almost perpetual sunlight would flood in through the lab's giant windows and bounce off the odd devices strewn about the central room. None of us knew what they did, but they must have been important with how the humans always used them and how they treated them— almost as well as they treated us.

   Out of all the humans who frequented the lab, one seemed to stay in more than the others. He was a tall, scrawny human, reminded me of one of those weird Exeggutor that were from Alola. The Exeggutor vibe was enhanced even more with how scatterbrained and clueless he looked most of the time. Despite these observations and mannerisms, he seemed to hold authority over the other humans. They would address him as Elm.

   Elm would stay late, very late, often until the moon was high in the sky. He would mill about the lab, doing things I couldn't possibly fathom. I remember for a while he kept fiddling with a little red machine that had flashing lights and opened and closed like a Clamperl. One time I saw a picture of me on one of the device's two glowing screens. I didn't see much else before he shooed me away.

   The memories are hazy, but I think Elm lived in the place at the top of the stairs with his family. This was only speculation. I wasn't allowed up there, neither were the other Pokémon who lived here with me. Every morning he would come down those stairs, loudly greeting us with a big, goofy smile on his face.

   Besides messing with machines, the humans did something else. The morning I first saw it happen the building was abuzz. Everyone had been let outside, but I remained by one of the large windows, watching the bustle on the other side. The humans were rushing about, cleaning the place up while Elm shouted at them. I was confused and asked one of the older Pokémon, Furret, what was going on.

   "A new Trainer is coming in today!" Furret said excitedly. Remembering what I had been told, I asked her what a Trainer was. Her jaw dropped. "Trainers are only the greatest humans ever!" She let out a sudden squeak. "There they are now!" I looked back to the window, and my already-large eyes widened.

   In the center of the main room sat a large table. On the table with their backs to us sat a Totodile, a Cyndaquil, and another Chikorita like me. In front of them stood a human child that was talking to Elm, who stood beside the table.

   One by one, Elm gestured to the three Pokémon on the table, each of them waving at the human child. The child looked pensive, crossing their arms and glancing at the Pokémon, their gaze lingering on them separately. I watched in curiosity, waiting for something to happen. The child then smiled and pointed to the Cyndaquil. Elm seemed to express some kind of approval, and the child eagerly picked up the Cyndaquil, hugging them tightly.

   "See? Trainers come here, choose a Starter Pokémon, and together they go on a journey," Furret said.

   Immediately, my interest was piqued. I turned away from the overjoyed duo inside to look at Furret, asking, "Where do they go?"

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