Chapter 13

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From Beyond the Veil

Using Thestrals (Ron and Hermione being the only ones who couldn't see them,) the four of them reached the Ministry of Magic in a fairly short time.

They'd waited until eleven at night to leave, waiting the hours away in Willow's office in silence. Willow figured that it'd be easier to go without being seen at night, with the cover of darkness on their side. Also, it had to be late to avoid others being there.

The four of them squished into the phone booth and the nearest to the receiver dialed six, two, four, four, two.

Down the shaft they went... This was bringing back memories for Harry. The last time he'd been here, we was going to save the person they were about to resurrect... Although Sirius would indeed be back that night, Harry still felt guilty. If only he hadn't gone to save Sirius, he wouldn't have died in the first place. And Hermione was right, he did have a "saving people thing," come to think of --

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day." The cool voice of the operator interrupted Harry's angry thoughts.

There was silence as their small group walked along the main level of the Ministry of Magic.

The doors of the lift clanked open loudly and Harry pressed a button on the panel.

"Department of Mysteries," the voice said as the gates clanked open.

Walking down that corridor was almost enough to make Harry turn back and head home, forgetting the whole thing. It brought back too many harsh memories of last year: Umbridge, Occlumency with Snape, all those dreams, the day of his Disciplinary Hearing, and, of course, that day little less than a year ago when Sirius had died.

Willow was about to close the door behind them when they stepped into that circular room when Hermione told her not to. "The room will spin and we won't be able to find our way anywhere..." She trailed off as if she, too, did not want to think about what had happened last year.

"Which room is it... let's split up," Ron said. "We can cover more rooms that way."

Everyone nodded once and separated. Harry opened one door... Two doors... His third door was the door to the Brain Room. He closed it with a snap as he remembered what had happened to Ron when he'd touched one of the brains.

"Over here!" Willow hissed. She held open a door and everyone went inside, each as nervous as the other.


Willow set down her bag at the foot of the stairs. All eyes were on her. The success of this entire spell, she realized, relied mainly on her. Kneeling on the ground, she began to unload the ingredients for the spell: ten white candles, ten black candles, her book, and a small container filled with white sand.

"Here, Harry, sit cross-legged and draw a circle around yourself." She handed Harry the container.

"Ron, Hermione -- set up the candles and light them." Willow had to concentrate on breathing slowly to help relax her nerves. Rarely had she been this nervous, although it was silly -- Sirius was taken by mystical ways, so technically it should be okay to bring him back. So why was she so nervous?

Ah, because the last time she'd done serious black magick, she'd given in to the darkness. But she knew this time it wouldn't happen. She mustn't let it, because if she did, the first to go would most likely be these three wonderful sixteen-year olds in front of her.

Taking a deep breath, Willow opened the book in her hands to the bookmarked page. And then she began to read:

"Osiris, hear my words. You have taken from us the mind, body, and soul of Sirius Black. I bid that you give him back to us, his whole, his being."

The Resurrection of SiriusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ