"There is a bonfire outside for people more your age" Maria told me when she saw how annoyed I looked when we walked in. Thank God. I was not about to sit through another boring talk-to-your-parent's-friends party.

I walked outside to see at least a hundred teenagers standing around a huge fire on the beach. Now this is more of a party! Now was my chance to make some friends, and hopefully a lot of them. I walked into the crowd and found a girl who looked about my age.

"Hi. I'm Sarah. I just moved here from California, any chance we could be friends?" As soon as I said it I wanted to take it back. I knew I sounded like a weirdo and the girl gave me a weird look before answering me.

"Hey. I'm Jennifer, you can call me Jen. You look familiar, do I know you?" I looked at her for a few seconds before replying.

"No I don't think so, Maria is my aunt though."

"Oh. Well, nice to meet you then! I'll introduce you to some more people!" She pulled me through the crowd and then stopped in front of a blonde girl wearing a purple sundress. "This is Anna." Jen said pointing to the girl, "Anna, this is Sarah. She's from California."

"Hi Sarah! Nice to meet you! I'm from Cali too!" Anna practically yelled. (She had to, the music was so loud I could barley hear her)

"Really? What city?" I asked, excited that I had just made a new friend.

"San Francisco."

"I'm from LA."

"Cool!" She actually sounded like she cared. Then, three boys came up to where Anna, Jen and I were standing and just about knocked all three of us over.

"Hey!" I started to yell, but then I realized that Anna and Jen knew the boys and they were just messing around.

"Sarah, this is Caleb, Jake, and Matt." She gestured to each one of them as she said their names. Jake immediately turned to Anna and gave her a big, long kiss. Ok then. Way to make things awkward.

"Nice to meet you!" Caleb said, "Why haven't we ever met you?"

"I moved here from California yesterday." I told him, noticing his muscular body structure.

"Cool." He suddenly grabbed Jen's waist and gave her a quick kiss. So much for liking him. I looked at Matt, waiting for him to say something, and then saw how tan his skin was and how blue his eyes were, almost like the ocean. I then thought about how the other two guys had girlfriends, standing right in front of me and guessed he had one too. Matt and I made eye contact for a second but I quickly looked away, waiting for his girlfriend to come up beside him.

But there wasn't a girl to ever come up next to him the whole night. Well not one that he would stop everything he was doing to give her a quick peck on the lips. I started to wonder if he even had a girlfriend. By the looks of it, he didn't and I could like him.

And I did. I had a crush on him for about 15 seconds before he talked to me like I was an animal.

"Go get me a drink, would you!?" He sounded almost angry.

"Why would I want to do anything for you?" He glared at me and I knew that we wouldn't become friends. I knew that he and I would never even want to be in the same room alone. Even tough he had those perfect blue eyes, hair that was arranged perfectly on his head, and don't even get me started on those lips, he and I could not get along.

"You know you want me."

"Excuse me?"

"Just go get me a drink, sweetheart." He smirked at me and I glared at him. It was like we were having a private staring contest until Jen stepped in between us.

And Then I KnewWhere stories live. Discover now