Hayden then began to focus on Emmett, tuning out as Alice started a conversation with the others. Emmett didn't notice her eyes, his attention on Alice as Hayden looked over his features.

His jaw was perfectly defined, reminding Hayden of a male model she once saw on the cover of a Calvin Klein add in the mail. He had no trace of a flush in his face, the way a normal person would. But then again, he wasn't like anyone else. Hayden didn't mean to stare for so long, but she also couldn't seem to stop. Now that she had started to notice every little thing, it was nonstop.

Jasper watched her from the corner of his eye, having felt the intense rush of wonder that radiated from Hayden. He picked up on it quickly, sensing something more than just wonder. He only cracks a bit of a smile, leaning back into his chair as he continues to pick up on her emotions.

"So, I was thinking maybe you would enjoy it too," Alice finishes with a bright smile, looking to Hayden expectantly. "How about it?"

Hayden clears her throat, sitting up as she breaks her gaze from Emmett. Everyone at the table had now turned to her, and they were all silent.

"Sorry," she murmers, her cheeks heating up. "Could you repeat that?"

"Well," Alice pauses, taking a second to send her a brief wink. "I was suggesting that you come over sometime this weekend so we can get to know you better. Emmett's the only sibling you've really got acquainted with, and I'd like to spend some time with you."

"Oh, wow," Hayden says, a bit shocked at her suggestion. But before she really thought about it, her lips had already formed an answer. "Sure."

It had seemed as though her schedule was stocked up in the past bit, and that was something she hadn't faced before. An empty agenda was normal; but a full agenda was a whole other level. The girl hadn't spent quality time with friends or family in a long time on a regular basis.

"Really?" Alice quirked an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised and obviously excited. "Okay then! I'll have something planned by tommorow, and Emmett can fill you in."

"Sure thing," Emmett mutters quietly, picking at his food.

Hayden had just began to notice how he'd been doing that a lot- not eating anything. Then again, she hadn't been around for too long, and maybe she was just overthinking things. But she couldn't help but wonder why the Cullens were so different from everyone else in Forks.


Mike and Hayden walked alongside each other as the last bell rang. The hallways were already crowded, and it seemed that everyone was practically sprinting to the front doors. Hayden would've done it herself if there wasn't a particular boy by her side that just couldn't get enough of Jessica Stanley.

Much like yesterday, she was looking forward to the time ahead. But this time, she was almost positive that she wouldn't be let down by someone's absence. Hayden knew she could count on Paul, and he hadn't proved otherwise.

"You've been hanging out with the Cullens a lot lately," Mike comments before they reach the lobby. "Mind telling me why?"

"They're nice people," she shrugs. "Why? Does it really matter who I hang out with?"

"I just wanted you to know who you're getting involved with," he defends himself, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Just don't want you ending up like Bella."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She kinda just ditched us all at once for that Cullen guy," Mike seems disappointed, his face falling slightly. "I always thought we were friends, and then she sort of shut us out. Bella comes around every now and then, but not like she used to."

"And you think I'll ditch you for the Cullens," Hayden finishes for him, stopping in her tracks to pull him aside. "Mike, why would you think that?"

He sighs, running his fingers through his blond hair as his expression grows soft. The girl looks at him, urging for him to reply. And, with a sigh, he does.

"I thought we were friends, and she just . . . left," he shakes his head. "I just don't want you to leave me- us- for someone else. Especially not the Cullens."

"I don't understand what's so bad about them. They aren't bad people, Mike."

"Don't you think they're off?" The boy presses the topic, glancing at the crowd around them.

"What do you mean?" Hayden asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I don't know, just forget it," Mike shakes his head, grabbing her elbow to lead her down the hall. "Just have fun tonight, okay? But not too much fun, I'll kick this guy's ass if he gets too close."

"You don't have to worry about that," Hayden chuckles as they exit the school building. "Paul isn't like that, but thanks anyway. I'll see you tomorrow, Mike."

Mike waves goodbye to the girl, both of them parting ways. Hayden was glad to be back out in the open, and away from all the chaotic hallways. The breeze in the air felt nice, and she had missed the sky. Even if it was dull and gray, it was better than staring at the ceiling constantly.

She looked around the parking lot, not knowing whether or not to expect Paul this early. In fact, she wasn't sure if he even knew what time they got out of school. From what he had told her, he attended a school on the reservation with a few others. She had only guessed it was a private school, or something of the sort.

But as her eyes grazed over each and every student, one stood out above them all; the boy with the russet skin. His eyes were already on Hayden, and he grinned as her eyes found his. Hayden smiled a bit, not being able to hold it in. She immediately made her way towards him, laughing in the slightest as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Hayden didn't expect for anyone to see their small exchange, nor did she care if they did. She intended to have a good day, and no one would ruin it.

Paul, on the other hand, enjoyed himself as Emmett Cullen burned holes into the side of his head, glaring at the boy with every ounce of hatred in him.


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