"If you want to." I replied.

For some odd reason, this little girl trusted me not to hurt her. And as much as I knew that she wasn't mine, I still felt like she was.

"Does that mean I get to see my sister too?" Asa asked.

Dread filled my chest with those soft and innocent words, I didn't know the answer to that question. I had major influence in the army of soldiers here but it was ultimately up to the king what happened to her sister.

"I don't know what is going to happen to your sister, little one, but I will try and keep you both safe."

Asa's small pink lips formed an o and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Speaking of her sister, I looked back to see her and Ryder arguing with each other while they trudged on.

I stopped, me and Asa watched as they bickered with each other.

"Trystan?" Asa said tentatively.

I looked down at her, she was chewing her lip and wrinkling her brows at her sister and Ryder.

"Yes, little one?" I mumbled.

"How come Ryder doesn't like my sister?" Asa said her whole face showed discontempt.

"Because she lied about you being in the house."

Asa's expression looked like she understood but wasn't sure why that was a bad thing.

"She told me that I was playing hide and seek with you and Ryder so I had to be quiet so that I would win. She said if I won then she would take me to see Mommy."

Asa looked upset that she didn't win, I put my hand on the top of her head.

"It's alright, little one. Next time, I'll let you win." I murmured.

Asa nodded and yawned, I looked up at the sky. It was getting late, they sun had already set and we were almost to camp.

"Trystan?" Asa questioned again. Her voice was thick and tired.

"Yes, little one?"

"Will you carry me? I'm so tired." She murmured.

I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulder. Asa fell asleep within moments and the sound of the bickering behind me fell silent.

We reached camp about an hour later, I walked through the gates and all the men stood at the sight of me.

"Where's Lucia?" I asked Daniel.

"She's in her tent, sir." He said, his eyes held fast on Asa.

I looked back to see Ryder and Asa's sister watching me. I motioned for them to follow me as I walked to Lucia's tent.

I ducked under the flap, concious of Asa's head. Lucia looked up from her pallet against the tent wall.

"What do we have here?" Lucia asked quietly.

"The house we raided had two girls in it. I need you to keep Asa, she'll need a new dress and a bath here soon. Her older sister looks about your size, she can borrow one of your dresses."

Lucia nodded and pulled something out of a sack, it was a blue dress. (Like the ones in Narnia that Susan and Lucy wore)

"Here's one for her elder sister. I might have one that will fit Asa, but I'd have to go to the storage hut to find it. I will do that in the morning before her bath." Lucia spoke handing me the dress.

"Thank you, Lucia." I rumbled.

"All is well, Trystan. Set Asa on my pallet, I'll watch over her as long as you need. Although she will most likely want to see you tomorrow."

I laid Asa down and pressed a kiss to her dirty forehead, I nodded at Lucia and exited the tent.

Ryder and Asa's sister were standing there glaring at each other.

"Ryder, I'll see you in the morning. You come with me." I directed.

Ryder left and I led the girl to my tent.

I flopped onto my pallet and started unlacing my battle gear, the girl was just standing there.

I proceeded to strip of my clothing until I was naked, it was comfortable and easier.

There was a basin filled with fresh water, a bowl of fruit and a plate of meats and cheeses.

I washed my face and dipped a rag and proceeded to rinse my body.

I looked back at the girl, she hadn't moved and she was gaping at me.

"Aren't you going to rinse off and eat?" I questioned motioning towards the spread.

"I, why are you naked?" She asked.

"My tent and I don't like clothes." I smirked at her.

I could tell that she was trying hard not to stare, but I was taking full advantage of her view. I could see her cleavage and there was a thigh high split in her dress giving me full view of her legs.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Her gaze shot to my face like she was confused so I asked again, "What's your name?"

"I, um, Eva."

I smiled, it was unique like Asa.

"Well, Eva, you should take off that dress and rinse off. Then you should eat."

Her cheeks flamed and she looked embarassed.

"What would I wear?" Eva asked hesitantly.

"Nothing." I replied, popping a grape in my mouth.

"But, I-, that's not ladylike." She exclaimed.

I looked over at her in disbelief, and said, "You don't have anything I haven't seen before and that dress in filthy and needs to be washed. Don't argue and just do as I say, please."

Eva flushed as she began to strip, I turned my attention to the food so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

When I turned back I almost groaned at the sight of her, completely naked. Her full breasts hung like ripe fruit waiting to be picked, her curvy hips begged to be held, and the apex of her thighs had a small thatch of curls above and then it looked like she shaved the rest.

She looked like a fucking dream.



I'm very excited about this book, I hope that you guys enjoy it because I love writing it.


I love you guys. My little warriors!

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