
Walking up to the lake was surprisingly not dark. There was some sort of lanterns positioned on the ground, shining brightly towards a group of kids who were talking.

We followed the trail of lights, towards the group. In the distance I could see Anne talking to a boy and Diana sitting near the fire pit with Ruby.

"Hey Evelyn you made it!" Diana says waving me over to her and Ruby when she noticed me walking with Gilbert.

I waved back at Diana and started to walk towards her with Gilbert behind me.

"I heard that your grandmother is back in town," Diana says.

"Yeah, If seems everyone knows about that." I say glancing at Gilbert who pretended he didn't hear me.

Diana shrugged.

"Small town, word gets around pretty quickly" she says laughing.

I awkwardly nodded my head, playing with the shoelaces of my ice skates I was holding with in hand.

"I see you brought your ice skates! We were just going to go down to the pond with some others, if you wanted to come." Ruby asked taking off her snake shoes and started to put on her ice skates.

"I loved to but I've never really skated before." I say truthfully.

"We will have to change that!" Diana explains excitedly rushing too to get her skates on.

I was so busy talking with the girls that I totally forgot about Gilbert. I turned around, but noticed that he walk off on his own. Probably to talk to some of his friends.

Shrugging I sit on the log next to Diana and Ruby, and start to put on my skates too.

Once we all finished putting our skates on we head down to the pond that was down the hill, away from the fire and group of people.

Walking up to the pond was similar to the set up that was up-hill. More lanterns were scattered on the edges of the pond. They weren't that bright but the moon gave us just enough light to see what we were doing.

To busy to notice Diana talking to me she asked me,

"Are you coming?"

I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say grabbing her hand while she and Ruby guided me towards the frozen pond.

Seeing other kids skating on the pond made some of my nerves of the ice not being completely solid...some.

"Umm, do you think this is safe I mean if anything happens-"

"Will be fine Evelyn! We live in Canada! The pond is ways frozen solid this time of year. Trust me!" Ruby explains adjusting her hat before reaching out for my free hand that wasn't clasped with Diana's.

"Now, hold my hand so I don't fall." She says giggling. I grab her hand and all three of us start towards the ice, gliding from the first step we took.

"This isn't so bad.." I say gripping on to Ruby's and Diana's hands.

They both laugh at me.

"Have you really never skated before Evelyn? Doesn't Chicago have skating rinks?" Diana asked her focus on the ice.

"Yes there was but my parents never had the time or patience to take me to any of them. They were too busy with their jobs or Nate's sports."

"That's sad." Ruby says. "I'm glad I don't have a brother."

"Yeah your lucky!" I say giggling with Ruby.

Before long after skating together, we needed up seated at the edge of the pond, watching the others skating freely.

Looking out in the distance I could see Anne and that boy I've never seen before skating together, laughing.

"Diana," I say tilting my head to the side. "Who is that boy Anne is with? I've never seen him before at school."

Diana looks at me, alway from the pond.

"That's Jerry Baynard. He works for the Cuthbert's. I think he's from France or something like that..but I haven't truly got to know him. I just seen him around every once in a while when I'm at Anne's." Diana says shrugging her shoulders turning her attention towards the pair.

I nod my head.

"They look happy together," Ruby says dreamily.

"Yeah I guess they do.." I say frowning at my comment.

Is that what Gilbert and I could look like? I thought to myself, wondering if Gilbert would ever have feeling for me that way.

"Evelyn?" Someone says in-front of me.

I turn my gaze to no one other then Gilbert.

"Hey Gilbert," I say smiling up at him.

"Want to skate before it's time to go?" He asks, holding out his hand to me.

"Sure, why not."

I get up from my spot next to Ruby and Diana and take his hand in mind.

We start skating slowly around the pond, still holding hands.

"How have you liked skating?" He asked focusing on his skating.

"It's great! I wish my mom and dad would have let me skate when I was younger." I explain taking my free hand to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

We were silent for a moment until I notice something in the woods, watching us. I couldn't figure out who it was until I turned my attention towards the mysterious figure. Once I got a good look I seen who it was.

It was Billy.


Surprised to see him, I loose my balance and fall towards the ground with a load thud, taking Gilbert with me.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned that I might have injured myself.

"No I am fine. I just thought I saw..." I looked back out at the woods to see that Billy was gone.

"Saw who?"

I looked back at Gilbert shaking my head.

"Nevermind, I.."  I trailed off my sentence, noticing how close me and Gilbert were.

It was silent, I could only hear our breaths breathing together. Our faces inches apart.

"Evelyn..." Gilbert trails off glancing down at my mouth then up at my eyes.

Before anything else could happen Gilbert put his hand behind my head and kissed me.

And I'm pretty sure I could hear Ruby in the background squealing with delight.

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