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"Stupid Stacey Rickman" I huffed in anger. "Stupid desperate Stacey Rickman" I corrected. 3 months I have been waiting. 3 months it's taken to build up the courage to ask Darren on a date and it takes 3 minutes for Stacey bloody Rickman to get her claws into him. The party finished before it had even started for me. I thought to myself as the wind whipped my hair across my face. And now im here, walking along the deserted motorway in the middle of the night, my dress pulled as far over my skin as the fabric would allow to protect my body from the cold and I'm drunk as hell. I wobbled in my stupidly high shoes as I walked along the spinning pavement. My head swam with emotions. All I could think about was HIS hands on HER waist as they stood under a large oak tree in Vanessa's garden, the exact place I was planning on asking him out. If it wasn't for my stupid boss I would of made the party in time, Kelly wouldn't be mad at me and I would of got to Darren before Stacey got her claws on him. Have him for all I care. I don't do sloppy seconds. I though with distate.

I walked quickly now, the wind increasing and the sky rumbling above. It would be my luck if it rained. I stretched my dress further over my body again. I thought about the distance between myself and home. ugh. I still had 2 miles to trek and the weather did not look promising. It would be sunrise by the time i got home in these shoes. I looked at them as if they were Stacey herself.

i pulled them off, thinking of how much quicker I would be without the added height.

I stumbled along the pavement as stones and grit cut into the soles of my feet. turning left i cut across the motorway and onto another footpath that took me straight into town. It was quieter now, the road was smaller and there was hardly any street lights. I walked cautiously, crossing the road.

It wasn't until I was halfway across when I heard the tires racing towards me. They were to fast for me to do anything but close my eyes and brace myself for the onslaught.

I don't know how long I was laying there on the cold deserlate ground but it felt like days. I lay in the gutter, my legs a tangled mess and my hands lay a mess on the curb .The wind cooled my blood untill my blood was a running cold down the sides of my face and knotting in my tangled hair. I begged for death to take me, to rid me of this pain. It was all consuming. If I could scream at the burning pain that covered my entire body I would scream until my last breathe. I couldn't tell which limb was which. All i felt was toe curling, nail biting pain. I just lay there, tears streaming, blood pouring and heart thumping. I wondered how long it would last.

It was the first thing I had seen in what felt like eternity. His shoes were visible as he neared me. He made no noise as he walked around my body.

He did not speak to me. I tried to watch his movements but my head swam in and out of consciousness as i felt myself drift. I allowed it to take over, to rid me of this pain. I did not fear death, death would be my relief.

My eyes wobbled in their sockets as I took my last breathe, staring at the feet of this stranger that I would probably never see. My heart faltered.

Thud. Thud..... Nothing

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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