Chapter 8: Antoinelle

Start from the beginning

There was a lot of movement of kids going to where they wanted to be. I was happy to see a decent amount of kids go apply to help with donations and there were groups of kids in front of me, wanting to perform. I was surprised to see Jack among them. "What are you going to do for us" I asked him, "A string of curses?"

He just stared at me then opened his mouth to say, "No, I actually sing, believe or not Miss Know-It-All." Normally I would have replied with something devastating, life-shattering even, but in that moment I was more proud than offended.

"What's this?" Leo said from behind me. I only jumped slightly this time, no more screaming from me today. Instead I said, "Jack and I were just getting to be friends, weren't we?" He nodded. Leo looked back and forth, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, but turned to me and asked, "So, what am I supposed to do?"

"We," I told him, "are in charge of this whole mess. Technically, you're like my intern but I'm not going to let you sit down and take notes. You're going to help." Leo smiled and said, "Okay. So what's the strategy?" I sat him down and explained how everything was going to work out.

Mave was going to be in kitchen with all of those who wanted to help. They would be making the beginnings of Thanksgiving meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast would entail of turkey shaped pancakes and apple juice. Lunch would be turkey burgers. Leo was confused about this. "Why turkey? Shouldn't that be part of the main meal?" I laughed at him. "The main food at Thanksgiving dinner is always ham in this house. Sorry if you don't like it." Dinner would also include macaroni and cheese, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and cornbread. "Desert is the best" I told Leo. "It consists of pumpkin pie, apple pie, berry tarts, brownies, cheesecake, peanut butter cookies, a chocolate fountain, and a half-and-half chocolate/vanilla three-tier cake.

"Wow." Was all Leo had to say. "I know, it's amazing." I said, motioning for the decorations and performance groups to follow us as we went downstairs. "Next," I continued, "we'll get the decorations started. We have a stash of pumpkins to carve, paintings to make, leaves to gather, and other stuff that I'm too lazy to mention." "Shouldn't pumpkin carving be for Halloween?" Looking adorable and confused as ever, Leo questioned my logic as we walked into the art room. "Awww, you're so adorable!" I told him, ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks. "Hey!" he said, "don't, touch, the hair." "Too late!" I said, smiling at him.

He was pretty cute when he was upset about something. Wait...when I say cute, I mean like a puppy cute. Because puppies are cute but I wouldn't want kiss one. Well, I have but I wouldn't want to go out with one. It would be really weird and- "What are the performance groups here for?" Leo said, interrupting my thoughts. "Oh," I said. I raised my voice and said, "They're going to perform a sixty second act each for us! Any longer, you're out. We're only taking five acts."

There were ten acts total. Three of them were group acts but the other seven were single acts, twenty kids in total. There was a variety of acts; dancing, performing, a trio of musicians, and the solo singers. Looking at the kids, I called out the first act. "Dancers! Get on that platform." They looked at me and groaned but went on. I smiled at them and called more nicely, "Don't hurt yourselves."

The group of six did a lyrical performance of Ed Sheeran's "Autumn Leaves". "Float down, like autumn leaves..." They actually seemed to float along with the music. Soon, it was over. "We write down a score on a scale of 1-10 for each act. Try not to tell me what you put." I told Leo as I wrote down my score for the dancers.

The actors went next. They were a mixed group (boys and girls) and performed a comedy scene on the hardships of life.

"I must work so hard every day. Checking out girls to make sure they're fine enough for me puts a lot of work on my eyes." Bryan said. "Touching girls'...intimate clothing while they pay for it isn't the best job either man." said Chris. "You don't have to deal with a coloring in a section with the wrong color while everyone laughs at you!" said little Michaela with a pout. Everyone laughed at that.

The musicians were good. It was a guitar and piano duet while a new girl at the orphanage sang along. Her voice with the song "The Show" by Lenka was a perfect match. The instrumentalists behind her played and sang backup to accompany her beautiful voice. It was a true show stopper.

Most of the single acts were singers. Not that they weren't fantastic because I love Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, and Bruno Mars, but I hear them all the time. I made sure I would base my scores on their talent, not their incapability to choose songs that mean something. One single comedy act was a 15-year-old girl named Monica. She didn't look funny with her straight blond hair, pale skin, and green eyes. You never know though.

"I am not happy about being a woman." she started. "I mean, men get all the benefits of the relationship. They say they love blood and guts but how come you can't stand the miracle of life. Huh? Not enough blood and pain for you? That's what I thought. And when it comes to changing diapers it's, 'Oh honey, I can't because I'm too busy.' You would think they could stand the stench. I mean, they live with themselves, don't they?" It wasn't exactly funny more than sarcastic, which is what I loved about it. Leo didn't exactly look happy about it though.

The last person to show their face on the platform was Jack. Everyone went silent. It wasn't every day you saw the community bad boy sing. You would think he thought he was too cool for that. Jack grabbed the only electric guitar we owned and started playing the opening chords.

"Do you know what's worth fighting for, when it's not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away and do you feel yourself suffocating? One, twenty one guns, lay down your arms, give up the fight. One, twenty one guns, throw up your arms, you and I." The last guitar chord rang throughout the room.

Leo was the first one to start clapping. Little by little, everyone joined in. I was too shocked by Jack to clap. Whatever happened to the emotionless figure I had come to know and hate? He wasn't there anymore. I stood up and announced the end of the auditions. "Okay guys, we'll have the five acts chosen to perform for the orphanage in at least two days. Until then, may the odds be ever in favor." I finished it up with a Hunger Games quote.

I gestured for Leo to get up and follow me. As we checked on the decorations group he said, "Wasn't Jack awesome?" I turned to face him and said, "You knew about it?" "No," he replied a bit too quickly, "but he still was amazing."

Afterwards, we sent out our volunteer group to go and post flyers around the community. Some of them would drive around to help get them out, some would hand flyers to people. The flyers contained contact information and the where and how on giving donations. Two groups would take some little kids and go around to churches and community groups to personally ask for donations. We only did this process four times a year so the locals wouldn't get so annoyed at us.

"It's amazing how everyone is working together to put together this Fall Fest. It's like one big family get together, but you already see each other every day. The end process will be something to remember I bet." "What do you mean?" I asked him. "You're going to be there too!"

"Oh, I don't want to be an intruder on something that obviously means a lot to everyone here." he said. "You mean a lot to us too!" I said. After realizing what I said I blushed and went to change it. "I mean, you're going to help out so much it would be stupid not to let you come. You HAVE to come. It's Thanksgiving dinner!" Leo smiled at me and said, "Okay, but I call first cut of the ham." I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Whatever you want, superstar."


Not much. I forgot to write a note before but I didn't want to leave it empty. It would just break tradition now. I don't have all that emotion I have from just writing a chapter. I really love writing about music though so. If you timed it just right, the chorus would play at the same time Jack is singing.

: ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) BE HAPPY!!!


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