one best day <3 chapter 25 :)

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tony :

i wake up and tuck maribelle to bed and took my keys*

i took my cars for a drive at night

i look around  its queit*

stop at a hill turn off the car* and got out and sat on the tree*

look in the stars i ask myself what am i looking for maybe there something i want something i need.......

but what cloeses  my eyes and saw my mom and dad beside i tear  hugs my mother and father

mother and father:

son ur doing fine in life :) look at u ur a full men all grown up


smiles* i miss u guys :'( its hard like really hard

then a light burst inside  me*

mother and father:

son that like will help u for tomorrowt test at DDS


DDS? what that ?


its for ppl who can sing and have talent and dreams to become a singer


thanks mom i'll do this for u guys promise :)

mother and father:

here our good luck charm put in my hand*


whoa its cool :) wears it*

thanks mom and dad i love u

get in car went home *

goes in basements*

turn on my systems*

turn on camera *

started to sing*



stop recording and put tape in boxes and mail it to DDS

went to bed*

next morning*


ding dong*

open door look at floor a letter ?

open it read it*


dear mr tony

u have been accpet to meet with us this afternoon plz and thank u :)

p.s DDS

whoa :O i got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


what happen babe what with the nosie

show her letter*


OMG good luck u can do this :)


thanks babe kisses ur lips*

and takes my car to DDS

10 min drive later*

goes inside and open door *

seat *

look around there alot of ppl

eric? josh? swag?


bro :) ur here too damn man who knew this day will come :)


lol guys we can make a name for ourself :)

just like one direction and the wanted :)

everyone aww yeah :D

stay tune for the next chapter :P it get inerserting now this how tony get famous :D

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