Chapter 5 classes of boring

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The princple were talking and saying this werid thing about school everyone got there time table and what class they have me and maribelle had the same class together sweet :P


hi my name is marrisa im 15 u are

im tony im 15

im maribelle im 15 too

sweet :)

let all be friends sure

well we all sent off to class

it was gym class first we were playing basketball it was pretty boring be yeah me and maribelle were sitting out.

then the gym teacher put me and maribelle on i got the ball but it slip and maribelle took it and score a shot in the net

lol then my teammate came up to me and push me and told  to get ur game on but i was like so i can't go easy for once what is wrong with u

the i got punch in the face*

it hurt alot then i saw maribelle running towards me is she crying ?

idk it was so blury i was black out for 20 mins later*

i woke up maribelle was beside me in the nurses office i look around

where am i ?


ur in the nurse office u got knock out for 20  mins are u ok ?

yeah im ok just hurts alot that all


thanks for the goal and playing nice and fair :)


ur welcome i just thought it will be nice for once that all

oh well some guys don't know the meaning of being nice to a girl


do u need help to get to the next class :)

i'll help u walk over there


thanks :) that would be nice

maribelle :) i have a question this friday and next week would u like to go to the dance with me plz

maribelle :\

yes :) i love u too



aww :) hugs*

its ok :)

we both walk to the next class it was math

maribelle sat right beisde me

but i still feel dizzy from that punch in gym

math teacher:

class what this problem X times the power of eight powers of two equals

no one answer

ok then

i raise up my hand

that would equal to 2 miss beaucse

two can go in the power of eight

nice mr.pryde

thanks miss

the bell ring for the last class of the day it was science maribelle was my partener

science teacher:

HO2 is what ?

maribelle its water sir

correct :)

class u have to make a project of a zoo next week


project on the first day at least im with maribelle :)

bell ring

everyone got on the bus and the bus left for home

i went over to maribelle house it was nice :O

i was rubbing my eyes whoa :O

this is amazing :O like really

we went in her room to do the project

10 mins later*

me and maribelle were almost done the science project looks nice :)

maribelle :

yup i like it :) with the animals and all the names of them


me too :)

maribelle :

aww already

ok :)

see u tomorrow :)


u too :) bye

i walk home and my mom and dad said how was school

tony: it was good :) but i got beat up in gym

well im done the project for science :) and im going to bed night


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