"I need to see him.", I said. "Where is he?"

"At the training track with Caitlin.", Cisco said. "Barry has been really dedicated to getting faster."

"Ok. Thanks."

I left the CCPD, and flew to the track. Barry and Caitlin were talking to one another. I listened in on there conversation.

"I'm just saying Barry. If you push yourself to hard, you will hurt yourself.", Caitlin said.

"I just hate not being the fastest man alive anymore.", Barry said.

"Barry. What's this really about?"

"I guess I'm just upset about Kara. I thought she would of called by now. I'm worried that Monel is going to steal Kara from me."

"If Kara doesn't choose you, then she is the stupid one. You're sweet, and kind, and someone that some people would want to date." Barry gave Caitlin a confused look, but Caitlin corrected herself. "I mean, that's what I've heard."

"Thanks Caitlin. You are a great friend."

"You too Barry."

How could I of not seen it before? Caitlin likes Barry! It has been so obvious. How she watches him. When we started dating, how Caitlin got upset. But how has Barry not noticed? I walked up to them and tapped on Caitlin's shoulder.

"Hey Caitlin.", I said awkwardly. Barry stood up in shock. "Hey Barry."

"Hey Kara.", Barry said awkwardly.

"I'll give you two some alone time.", Caitlin said walking off.

I sat down next to Barry. He looked really upset.

"You ok?", I asked.

"No.", Barry said.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

"Why do I feel like you already know?"

"I may of been listening in. And I also talked to Cisco. I know the Reverse Flash is in town."

"I just hate always being second to everyone. I'm no longer the fastest man alive. Also, I'm...I'm afraid of losing you. I know you said not to worry, but the more you hang out with Monel the more I get more and more nervous."

"You will never lose me." I took Barry's hand in my hand. "I love you. And I will always love you."

"And I will always love you too." Me and Barry leaned in and kissed. Barry then released and smiled at me. "Kara Danvers. Will you go out with me tonight?"

"Yes. Yes, I would love too."


Me and Barry kissed again. We then separated as I got a phone call. It was Alex. I answered it and found out that Livewire was attacking innocent cops. I told Barry that I had to go and that I would see him tonight. Myself, Monel, and Guardian had stopped copy cats of Livewire. Monel almost killed the cops and James is Guardian. I yelled at them and then got ready for my date with Barry. I got a really nice dress on heard a knock on my door. It was Barry with a bunch of flowers.

"Hello beautiful.", Barry said.

"Hey handsome.", I said.

"You ready? I made tons of plans."

"Well then, let's go."

Me and Barry went to a fancy restaurant and went on a carriage ride. Barry is so romantic. Barry then took me home. I slept soundly that night.



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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I woke up and immediately started working out. I am determined to be the fastest man alive. I then got a call from Joe. Apparently there was a brake in. I super speeded to the area, and saw the metal had almost turned to glass. The only way that could happen is it if had reached absolute zero. We also found out that Leonard Snart escaped from jail. We even saw on the video tape that Cadmus soldiers broke him out and gave him the cold gun. Doctor Wells convinced me to stay away from it and I think he is right. I decided to practice more when everyone else was helping protect the cops. Caitlin wanted to go with me. I was digging some missals, when I got hurt. Caitlin was mending the wounds.

"You should be more careful.", Caitlin said. I gave her an annoyed look as she continued. "I'm just saying Barry. If you push yourself to hard, you will hurt yourself."

"I just hate not being the fastest man alive anymore.", I replied.

"Barry. What's this really about?"

"I guess I'm just upset about Kara. I thought she would of called by now. I'm worried that Monel is going to steal Kara from me."

"If Kara doesn't choose you, then she is the stupid one. You're sweet, and kind, and someone that some people would want to date." I looked at Caitlin confused. "I mean, that's what I've heard."

"Thanks Caitlin. You are a great friend."

"You too Barry."

"Hey Caitlin.", Kara said awkwardly. I stood up surprised to see Kara. "Hey Barry."

"Hey Kara.", I said awkwardly.

"I'll give you two some alone time.", Caitlin said walking off.

I sat down and Kara sat down next to me.

"You ok?", Kara asked.

"No.", I said thinking about events that have occurred.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

"Why do I feel like you already know?"

"I may of been listening in. And I also talked to Cisco. I know the Reverse Flash is in town."

"I just hate always being second to everyone. I'm no longer the fastest man alive. Also, I'm...I'm afraid of losing you. I know you said not to worry, but the more you hang out with Monel the more I get more and more nervous."

"You will never lose me." Kara grabbed my hand. "I love you. And I will always love you."

"And I will always love you too." Me and Kara leaned in and kissed. I then released and smiled at Kara. I decided I needed to ask her out. "Kara Danvers. Will you go out with me tonight?"

"Yes. Yes, I would love too."


Me and Kara kissed again. We then separated as Kara got a phone call. It was Alex. Kara answered it and then told me that she had to go and that she would see me tonight. I nodded as she flew off. I trained for a bit longer. I then made tons of preparations for our date. I bought some flowers and super speeded to Kara's apartment when o got there, I knocked on the door. Kara was wearing a beautiful dress.

"Hello beautiful.", I said.

"Hey handsome.", Kara said.

"You ready? I made tons of plans."

"Well then, let's go."

Me and Kara went to a fancy restaurant and went on a carriage ride. I then took Kara home. I then super speeded back to Central city. I slept soundly that night.

A SuperFlash Fanfiction On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara