Chapter 3

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The wind whips through my hair as I race through the forest. I can hear Hazel and Maeve's laughter behind me. As I get closer to the path that leads through the meadow and back to the castle like estate, I take a quick look to see that my younger sisters are gaining on me. I spur my horse on and thunder through the field. 

An ant-sized figure is standing next to the stable and I assume it to be my father. A sense of worry and anticipation washes over me. He only goes near the barn when he is looking for me, and only when he needs me for a new assignment.

 I start to slow down and trot at a brisk pace into the courtyard. My father has a stern face and he walks up to me as I dismount. I give him a timid smile but his face stays stoic.

"We need to have a discussion inside Ellaria," He says seriously before turning and walking back to the house. A sigh leaves my lips and I lead Pepper into the stable to untack and give him a quick brushing. After I give him his feed and make sure my siblings have properly taken care of their mounts, I walk through the kitchen door where Cook tosses me an apple as I pass through. I take the stairs two at a time and enter my room. After replacing my breeches and tunic with a sky blue day dress, I head to the dining room where my family waits for me. 

My mother rises from her seat and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek which I return with a smile. The table is covered with a feast of rolls, eggs, jam, bacon, and fruit. I sit in one of the stiff dining chairs and reach for a roll. Before I can grab it, I catch my father's eye and he shakes his head. Sighing, I retreat my hand and place it in my lap. 

One of the servants enters the room with a letter that is given to my father. With a grim look, he gently opens it and begins to read. While he is distracted I sneak a roll and nibble on it. Once done, he shares a look with mother and they both turn to me.

"We have some news." My mother starts before my father cuts her off.

"You are being sent away. To the palace." He says with an abruptness. I furrow my eyebrows and open my mouth to protest, but I shut it right away as my sisters walk in. We begin eating and my sisters fill the air with their nonsense talk of dresses and ribbons. I tune them out and think about what assignment would require me to be at the palace.

 After brunch, I make my way to my father's study and wait in one of his leather chairs for him. Sitting in the silence, alone, made me really think about the news I was about to receive. I had endless respect and a fondness for him, but showing affection never a specialty of his and this news could heavily reflect that neglect. 

Finally, the door opened with a slight creak. My father walked in, followed by my mother. Internally I sigh in relief at the sight of her. She was usually never present at these meetings, but I am glad to have her there with me. Father didn't say anything as he sat down, his eyes piercing mine. I start to slide further into my chair, in a hopeless effort to hide.

"You leave tomorrow bright and early" are the first words to leave his stern set mouth. It was always stern, never smiling for nor at me.

"What am I do to?" I quickly respond.

All I can do was stare at him blankly in silence. The killing wasn't an issue, but attempting to murder someone so powerful was daunting. I swallow the lump in my throat and sit up a tad straighter. "Yes sir"

In a swift moment, he gets up and leaves me behind, still sitting at his desk, pondering what he has just asked of me. My body jerks when warm and gentle hands rest on my shoulders. My mother kisses my head and follows after my father. I get my composure back and act like the woman I am. 

There is strength in my legs as I get up and make my way to my room. Thinking about my mission starts to bring a familiar sense of excitement and anticipation. The trust that my father has just given me puts a smile on my face. I put my dagger into my travel pack and all of a sudden two little girls burst into the room and jump on me in a crushing embrace.

"I don't want you to go," says Maeve as her eyes find my dagger. With her eyes open wide, my other sister just stares at me. She finally finds her voice and asks

"Where are you going? When will you back?" I begin to tell her about going to visit some relatives who live across the border. As I am speaking I notice Hazel standing by my bag and her eyes studying the jewels around the golden dagger.

"What is this for," she asks and picks it up, beginning to waving it around. I instantly went to go grab it from her. "This young lady, is a gift for our distant relative from father so don't touch" I scold. She opens her mouth to say more but my mother walks in and motions for them to go to their own rooms. 

After they left she just stands there with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She knows what I am capable of but every time I go on a mission, she worries. I just stand there facing her until I can't take it any longer and I launch myself into her arms. She squeezes me tight and after a couple of minutes of just enjoying her motherly warmth, she releases me.

From the waistband of her dress, she pulls out a small package.

"This is for you," she says and slips it into my hands. I carefully pull off the cloth it is wrapped in and reveal a dainty gold necklace. I smile widely at her and give it to her so she can clip it around my neck. I turn to look at it in the small mirror on the vanity. The necklace was a small gold rose with her initials, her mothers and her grandmothers engraved on the petals. And now mine. It had been her most precious item and I would treasure it forever. I feel a tear escape and I give her another hug.

"I thought it was time it was yours," she says with a sad smile. It feels as though she is saying goodbye to me, expecting to never see me again. As I am about to ask about it she takes my face and kisses my forehead before turning to leave. She stops at the door and looks at me again.

"I love you my darling. You will always be mine no matter what" and with that, she leaves and I feel dumbfounded. I sit down and try to decode what my mother has just said. 

After she leaves I finish my light packing. I want to spend the rest of the day with my mother and sisters but father has forbidden it. Instead, he wants to go over all the plans to make sure that I don't screw up. I met him in his study and aimlessly look around as he drones on and on. My thoughts wandered to why he was being so secretive. I had never been sent on a mission without prior information as to why the unfortunate victim had been selected for such a horrid end.

 When there is finally a pause in his monotone instructions, I push for answers. He gives me a look of disdain and keeps talking. My father finally allows me to leave after a long session of making sure I was adequately prepared. I wander the halls and look at all the paintings on the walls. My mother has a habit of collecting them. Every time I have to leave I look at them as a way to remind me of her. 

Finally reaching my room, a feeling of nostalgia washes over me. This would be my last night in my own room, my own bed for who knows how long. My room was a place close to my heart. It was my thinking place, where I could be myself without judgment. I don't stay awake much longer before I fall asleep wrapped in my blankets. At sunrise, I am woken by my father. I groggily sit up in surprise as I had never seen him in my room before today.

"Get dressed right now your horse is waiting for you outside"

"I thought I would be leaving a little later so that I could say my goodbyes"

"I don't need any tearful goodbyes" and with that, he left me so that I could dress for my four-day ride to meet the couple that would bring me to the maids' cottage where I would prepare to fulfill my role. I was to be a maid so that I could move around the castle easily. 

This I knew how to do because I have done it so many times when I wanted to know what my father discussed with traveling Lords. Before I headed down to the stables I shoveled down my breakfast left on my table and then took strands of my dark brown hair and weave them together. I met my father outside and no goodbyes were said.

 All I got was another series of instructions and threats and then I was off on a new adventure. Not knowing what was to come, I set off in hopes of escape without realization of how far from true and possible my hopes were.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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