Chapter 4

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It was a few weeks since I found out about my powers and I still only used it that one time.
I didn't know if it might be a better idea to be normal.
I sat in Chemistry, thinking the whole thing over.
"Now you know that you have to give your papers in at the end of this lesson," the lecturer suddenly reminded us.
Oh no.
It had to be in now?
I hadn't even started yet!
I was so caught up in my new superpower that I completely forgot about it.
Well, I thought. If it's the superpower that got me into this mess, shouldn't it be what gets me out?
After everyone had handed their papers in and left the room, I quickly went up to the lecturer.
"You will write this paper for me, just good enough to get a passing grade," I commanded. "After you have done so, you will forget that you wrote it and think that it was my paper. You will not tell anyone about this."
I felt the rush of power surging through my body again.
The lecturer nodded and continued with his work in silence. I walked out, smiling to myself.
See? It wasn't so bad.


"Carry my bag," I commanded.
The person I was talking to reached out and took it. 
I was walking back from class and my neck was just really aching. I just needed someone to carry all my books for me. I knew it was harmless.
I got back to my apartment and let the person go on their way with no recollection of what just happened. As I got inside, Tyler was waiting for me.
He seemed to sneak out a lot less since he found out about my superpower. And he worried about me a lot more. I didn't see what the big fuss was about.
"Hi," he said tensely.
"Hey," I replied. "What are you doing here? Don't you have a class or some party to go to?"
"Uhm, no," he started. "I was- Well, I was waiting for you so that we could both go, I guess."
"You want me to come to some party with you?"
"Okay, why not?" I shrugged. It was a while since I last did something fun.
"Cool," Tyler quickly stood up. "Let's go."
"Now?" I asked. "Well, okay then."
We walked through the descending darkness to the sound of music booming and lights flashing. Before I knew it, we were dancing and drinking among other students.
"Hey there," a very drunk looking guy suddenly said to me.
"Not interested," I replied.
"Oh come on, you know you want to," he grinned.
"Go fall into the pool," I said.
He turned around and walked right into the pool with all his clothes still on and a drink in his hands. The people who noticed it were pointing and laughing at him.
I smiled at the power I felt. I wanted to do it again.
"Everyone into the pool!" I shouted. I could always erase everyone's memory later.
Soon the students who heard me were clamoring over each other to get into the pool. Everyone was having fun and laughing at the whole thing. I laughed at all of them. I could actually do what I wanted to everyone.
Suddenly, I felt someone tug at my arm. It was Tyler.
"Come on," he said and pulled me around the building so that we were alone. "What was that?"
"I was just having a bit of fun," I said drunkly. "Relax."
"You promised not to use your powers," Tyler said.
"So what?" I was starting to get frustrated with him. "It's my powers. I can do what I want."
"No you can't. I told them that it would be alright. I could just keep an eye on you and you won't turn back into..."
Tyler faltered, aware that I was looking at him, my eyes narrowed.
"Tyler," I said. "Why aren't you wet like everyone else?"
"Abigail," he started.
"You didn't jump in, did you? And I know that you were close enough to hear me. You've been close to me a lot more recently. Ever since I told you. Who are you?"
"You know who I am," he said hesitantly. "I'm just Tyler."
"Tell me who you really are," I commanded, activating my powers.
Tyler stood in front of me unsurely.
"I'm Tyler Wilson," he said, but I knew he was lying.
He didn't react as quickly and as blankly as everyone else.
"You're immune to my powers," I said slowly. "You're a superhero, aren't you?"
"Look," he started. "Ever since I captured you, I had to make sure-"
He stopped abruptly, realizing what he had said.
"You're Sage?" I took a few steps away from him. "You're the one who altered my memories?"
"I had to do something to stop you," he pleaded. "You were going to take over the world."
"So you erased my life?" I looked at him, schocked. "My family? My actual friends? All replaced by you?"
"It's not that simple."
"Yes it is." 
I looked around. I knew he was going to take me in. I had to get out as quickly as possible.
I ran off before Tyler - or Sage - had time to reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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