Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Please be mine"

*3 months later*

Annie's POV
3 months since Caleb's death, 3 months that I've been broken, everything changed. Sydney and Luke moved away which made me and Liv grow closer, Hayden started hanging out with Dylan, he tells me he has to go to work but he actually hangs out with her. While he was doing that Brennan and I also got close working on our duet, not gonna lie we made a great job.

Liv:(closes her locker)Annie!!
Annie:huh(looks at her)
Liv:what's wrong
Annie:nothing(closes her locker)just thinking about what has happen these few months
Liv:yeah(looks at her)so how are you and Hayden doing
Annie:(looks at her)like always
Liv:I'm worried about you guys, you guys used to be close what happen
Annie:life happen(walks away)

Hayden's POV
It's been 3 months since everything. I was about to tell Annie about my feelings towards her, but I couldn't. Now she is ignoring me and hanging out with Brennan, remember that time when she told me she couldn't hang out because she had to babysit Hayley, well she was actually hanging out with Brennan.

I was walking to football practice, I remember walking with Caleb and Luke through these halls to get to practice, when Dylan stops me.

Dylan:hey Hayden
Hayden:hey Dylan
Dylan:(starts playing with her hair)so you want to hang out after school and then go to my house

I've been noticing that Dylan has been flirting with me a lot, yesterday I felt like she was about to kiss me, but I just ran away because I like Annie, I need to tell her the truth.

Hayden:(backs away)look Dylan I don't like you like that I like...
Dylan:(interrupts him) I know you like Annie
Hayden:then if you know I like Annie  why you flirt with me
Dylan:I don't like you Hayden(laughs) I'm not even flirting with you
Hayden:then(gets confused)
Dylan:don't worry Hayden I like Rush(looks at him)
Hayden:good(smiles)look I'm sorry I just thought of that because of Annie
Dylan:look you like Annie and as it looks like Annie likes you(puts her hand on his shoulder)then what is stopping you from having something special with her
Hayden:I don't know(looks down)I'm just scared
Dylan:don't be love is love and what you guys have is real love
Hayden:thanks Dylan(hugs her)your a good friend
Dylan:you too(pulls away)and you have to help me with Rush
Hayden:(laughs)of course


Arden:(takes a picture of Hayden and Dylan hugging)got it
Mia:(laughs)he didn't want to be with me, he won't be with Annie(looks at Arden)let's go


Annie:(on the phone with Sydney)so that's why I got detention
Sydney:(laughs)you bad girl, look you never told me how was your date with Brennan
Annie:(thinks)it was good


Annie:Brennan when can I take this blindfold off

Annie's POV
When I took my blindfold off I saw a fair, I look at Brennan and hug him. We went on the rides and took some pictures in the photo boths, played some games, and eat ice cream. After that fun day he took me back to my house.

Annie:(smiles)thank you for tonight is actually one of the times I smiled since Caleb's death
Brennan:anything to see that smile(smiles)
Annie:also(gets the big bear from the back seat)thank you for this bear
Brennan:I couldn't let you go around the fair without anything in your hands
Annie:(giggles)thanks(kisses his cheek)see you tomorrow

I was about to leave the car when something came in my mind, I thought about it. Then I turned back at Brennan and kissed him, at first Brennan was shocked but then he kissed back.

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