Chapter 3

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"OK so what kind of pizza do you guys want?" " Pepperoni with peppers!" The three of us said it at the same time and Eric chuckled. "OK one large pepperoni pizza with peppers it is then." He smiled his signature Eric smile. I don't know what it is about that smile but it makes me want to smile along.

After we were done eating Eric and Carlos started to leave but Rosa stopped them. "Where do you think you're going?" "Umm home." Eric replied. " No you're staying here to help us pick out a dress for Arely." They both groaned at the sound of that. "It's OK Rosa they don't have to do that." I knew what is was like dress shopping for other people. You just sat there and watch them try on dress after dress after dress and I wanted to spare Eric and Carlos. Rosa just turned and winked at me.

" Come on Rosa you wouldn't make us do that would you?" Eric gave me a hopeful look begging me to help him out. "Unless," Carlos started, "Unless we can help Arely put on the dress. Then maybe we would stay." I snorted. "Yeah I think I can handle a dress by myself." Eric feigned disappointment and pouted. "Well if we can't help them I guess we should just go. Come on Carlos." As they started to turn around Rosa stopped them again. "No you're staying with us. 1) We need a guys opinion on the dresses. 2) I'm your ride home." The boys groaned. I groaned mentally because with Eric there I would be conscious of how I acted.

Another hour passed and Rosa and the guy disapproved every dress. Though I'm sure the guys only repeated after Rosa because they barely payed any attention. As I took off the last dress Rosa went back to look for more dresses and the Guys looked like they were about to fall asleep. So I decided to do a little dress hunting myself. After a few minutes a dress caught my eye. It was a black strapless dress that was tight up to the waist and below it was loose. The top had gold sparkles and it looked to be an inch or two above my knee.

I went back to the dressing room to try it on. When Rosa came back I showed her the dress and she loved it. She woke up the guys to look at it too. When Eric saw it his jaw hung open but then he closed it sharply. "Y-you look umm...." He said it so sheepishly that it made me giggle a little. Before he could finish Carlos interrupted him. "Hot." I bursted out laughing and started posing for them which made Rosa start laughing with me. We paid for the dress and as we were walking out of the mall Eric's phone rang.

"Mom? Yeah we're still in the mall. But Rosa said..... OK mom we'll be there in five minutes." "What happened?" Carlos asked. "Mom said she's been waiting for us for an hour in the parking lot." Eric glared at Rosa. "Well if I hadn't said that you were coming with me you would have left." Rosa tried looking innocent. "Well we gotta go. Bye Rosa, bye Arely!" He hugged Rosa and as Eric hugged me he whispered "You really did look good in that dress." Then he turned around and started walking while I stood there blushing after him.

                                * * * YAYYYY FOR LONG CHAPTER!!! XD * * *

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