♅Chenle: Misty♅

Começar do início

It was also very nice. It had just enough grass, along with a conveniently small sized pool. The owners of this house must be pretty rich.

I decided to just sit on the back porch next to the pool. It was nice and warm outside so I decided to just relax.

15 Minutes Later

I heard a slight knocking nearby, and it sounded like it was coming from behind me. I looked back and saw a boy knocking on a glass door. But he wasn't just any boy. He was a hybrid like me~.

I stared at him, confused as to why he was knocking. He pointed for me to look downwards. I looked down, and my soul left my body.

It. Was. A. Spider.

I'm. Terrified. Of. Spiders.

I screamed so loud, unintentionally changing back to my human form. I fell backwards and backed away from the demon in front of me.

The boy came outside, and grabbed my hand for me to stand up.

"Stay calm. It's just a spider"

He spoke, trying to calm me.

"B-But that's a b-b-black w-widow..."

I informed him, scared out of my mind.

He stayed silent for a second, but then he started panicking too.


He yelled, as he started to back away with me.

The spider got closer and closer, and out of my fear, I clung closer to the boy and started crying.

Soon enough, we couldn't back up anymore. The pool was right behind us, and we were right on the edge. My sobs grew louder, and I started shaking.

Just then, I felt a foreign body pick us up. I continued to cry out of my fear.

"Shhhhh. It's ok little one"

I heard a voice say.

"Are you two ok?"


The boy cheered happily, hugging the foreign body.

I kept my eyes closed, still afraid that the spider was around.

"Ok Mark! The spider is gone!"

Another voice alerted.

"Thank you Taeyong-hyung~!"

The boy cheered, leaving the person that was holding us.

Apparently his name is Mark.

I finally opened my eyes to see Mark hugging another man. The man was smiling and petting his head.

"How about we get these two inside? This one still seems scared to death..."

The man holding me said.

"Oh yeah... Let's go"

10 Minutes Later

The man named Taeyong gave me some new clothes, and some ice cream to calm me down. The ice cream container said "birthday cake", which made me happy.

As I ate my ice cream, Mark explained what had happened. There was an animal documentary on the TV, which I assumed Mark was watching before he found me.

"I guess you're really afraid of spiders, huh little one?"

The man named Johnny asked, patting my leg.


I hummed, still eating my ice cream.

"But how did you end up in our backyard anyway?"

I stopped eating my ice cream for a few seconds to explain.

"I was looking for some food, like I do every now and then. I got bored, so I started roaming around this neighborhood. Then I came across this house. It was different from the others, so I was naturally drawn to it. Then Mark found me in the backyard and warned me of that spider, only for the both of you to find him yelling for help and me crying frantically"

"You don't have a home either, do you?"

Taeyong asked sadly.

"No... I'm from China, but I started to travel abroad, and chose South Korea to be my home. But, I don't have a 'home' home"

I explained.

"You can stay with us!"

Mark suddenly blurted out.

"Aish! He said what I was thinking!"

Taeyong frowned in defeat.

"You guys really mean it...?"

I asked in disbelief.

"Of course. That way, you won't have to scavenge for food anymore. Plus, you and Mark seem to get along just fine. I'm sure that you'd both enjoy each other's company!"

Johnny said happily.

"I-I'd love too! Thank you~!"

I cheered happily.

After all of the formal introductions, it was then time for me to introduce myself.

"So, to be clear, I'm Taeyong, this is Johnny, and this is Mark~"

Taeyong finalized.

"Now, what's your name sweetie~?"

"I'm Zhong Chenle, but my adopted nickname is 'Misty'~!"

We Young [✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora