She nods understanding,"Well he is a total babe." she grins. "You know you're like my sister, but as your manager, you better not do anything stupid for the rest of the work day. After we're done shooting, sleep with the man for all I care." she shrugs, taking the bag of chips from my hands and pushing me off of the seat. "For now though, get dressed! We'll worry about feelings later." she says as she rushes me to get dressed.

After I've gotten my hair and makeup done we begin shooting. The day goes by as usual except for the fact that I can't stop messing up the scenes. Elizabeth bringing up Jason really ruined my whole mood and messed with my head.

"Adrianna. It's the last day.  You've got to stop messing up. We've got like an hour left until we're done. Can you please focus until then?" asks Jessy, the director.

"Yeah," I nod my head. "sorry." Juan looks over to me mouthing what I think is 'Are you okay?' I smile and nod.

"Great! Let's get this finished guys!" Jessy claps his hands together and the rest of the shoot goes by mostly smoothly.

As soon as I get into my dressing room Elizabeth freaks out. "I'm so sorry I mentioned Jason! I know that's what messed you up. I know that takes you back to your mom and what happned and it was just stupid. I shouldn't have said anything about him." she apologizes, concerned.

I give her a tired smile. "It's fine. It's been a long day. I'm sleepy. Let's get back to the hotel? I'm going to Juan's concert later tonight, I wanna take a nap." I say before quickly changing into a pair of sweats and t-shirt.

She nods and we say our goodbyes to everybody and say our thank you's for letting us be apart of the video and all of that.

"Were you alright today? Did I do something?" Juan asks, looking concerned.

"No, it's just been a long day." I say with a shrug. "Text me what time you're gonna pick me up, okay?" I ask and don't wait for a response before I turn around and walk to the car that's waiting for Elizabeth and I.


Once I'm in my hotel room I quickly take a shower and get into some pjs and head to bed to take a quick nap. I check the time and am surprised to see that's it's only 2:30 pm. They made us wake up extra early to shoot so Juan could have time for his concert tonight.

Just as I'm falling asleep, I hear a knock at my door. I groan before getting up to answer it. I'm surprised to see a Juan holding flowers with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Hi..." I say slowly, looking at the flowers and then back to him, and then back to the flowers.

"These are for you. I know I must have done something stupid that made you keep messing up." he says nervously.

I roll my eyes and grab his hand, bringing him into my room. "You didn't do anything." I say, shaking my head. "But thanks for the flowers." I say, smiling at him and setting the flowers down on the table.

"Okay...then why were you so jumpy today?" he asks curiously.

I chew at my lip nervously. This is something really personal Adrianna. We don't want him to think we fully trust him! He notices how I'm uncomfortable. "Okay, now you have to tell me. Look at yourself! You're pale." he says.

I take a deep breath and take him by the hand, sitting on the couch with him. "I, um... okay." I say nervously, taking another deep breath.

"You're scaring me now." he says, sitting straighter in his seat.

"It was just about my ex. My manager brought him up and it messed with my head. That's it." I say awkwardly.

He doesn't look convinced. "What about him made you mess up that much?" he asks, not looking convinced at all.

I look up at him. "Are you sure you really want me to tell you?" I ask slowly. He nods, telling me to go on. "We dated for three years until my-" I stop, feeling a lump in my throat again.

He notices I'm about to cry. "Are you sure you want to tell me?" he asks, worried.

I nod and continue, "Until my mom passed away two months ago." I take a deep breath, trying hard not to cry. "He broke up with me because he couldn't handle what a mess I had become after she passed. He couldn't handle having a girlfriend who was crying all the time for the mother they lost. He didn't even last two weeks with me after she passed away." I say coldly, remembering how much it hurt to see him walk away from me.

"Idiota." he whispers so quietly I almost don't even hear it. "I'm so sorry, bonita." he says, looking hurt for me. He wipes away my tears away with his soft fingertips.

I nod. "Yeah. I loved him more then words could explain and he left me at a time where I needed him the most." I whisper. "He said I had my brothers to help me deal with the pain." I laugh dryly.

"You didn't deserve that." he says, looking me in the eyes with so much pity that it kind of hurts.

I sniffle and wipe away all the tears that fell. "But, um, that's why I was off today. She mentioned it at the beginning of the day and my mom just wouldn't leave my mind. He wouldn't really leave my mind either." I say, standing up and walking to get a tissue in the bathroom.

After I blow my nose I come back to the couch. "You didn't do anything. I can assure you this had nothing to do with you. You've been nothing but nice to me this entire week." I say, smiling weakly. I still haven't gotten a nap in and I'm even more tired after having had that conversation. "You kinda interrupted my nap, so can I get back to that?" smiling wide, I grab his hand and move him from the couch and begin to walk him over to the door.

"Yeah...okay. I'll call you later then?" he asks as I'm about to shut the door.

I nod. "Thanks for the flowers again." I say and give him a hug. As I'm giving him a hug I can smell his expensive cologne. He smells amazing. When we pull away our faces are inches away from each other. I notice a scar under his left eye that's about an inch long. I run my finger across it carefully as he looks at me. My heart quickens as his hand finds the crook of my neck and leans in. His lips find mine and I'm instantly shocked. After a split second I respond to his kiss though. Our lips move in perfect sync as I wrap my hands around his neck tugging at the hair on the back of his head. I quickly realize we're in the hallway of the hotel and that anybody could just see us.

I push him away gently, almost wishing I would have kept going. "What's wrong?" he asks, breathing heavily.

"Anyone can just see us!" I respond, also breathless.

"So let's go into your room." he says, almost pushing me into my room.

"What?! No!" I say smacking his arm. "We shouldn't even be doing this." I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why not?" he asks, frowning.

"We just can't. Not right now. Call me later, okay?" I ask, pushing him out of my room.

He nods understanding. "Okay. I'll call you." and with that he leaves.

I shut my door and mentally smack myself. "I really need that nap." I groan out as I fall on my bed .

Hi guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this longer chapter! Let me know what you thought about Adrianna and Juan's kiss!!
(Edited 11/29/2020)

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