A normal day

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Disclaimer: I do not own RA. This is a fanfiction. All copyrights go to Rainbow Studios. There are some characters that I did create, but most of them are from the show.


"I don't want to go to school. I just want to break the rules. Boys and girls across the world, put on your dancing shoes!"
Rose hummed to the music while sewing the last stitches on the shoe she was holding. She loved shoes. She loved shopping for them, repairing them if needed and designing them. As her drama club's shoe designer and lighting master, she got for each play at least one pair of shoes, that needed to be redesigned. She put down the shoe she was holding and admired her two newest masterpieces.

The poetry club had written this awesome poem, which  was than  turned into a script for a play and since both clubs came from the same school, her drama club had happily taken the script. The principle had said something about two clubs joining together for an original project was great publicity for the school. Which meant her best friend and head of  wardrobe, Amy, was a bit on edge. She wanted everything to be perfect.

Suddenly the door swung wide open and in stormed Amy. "Are you finished? How do they look? Did you use the thread I asked you to use?"

Rose laughed and took off her headphones, "Take it easy, girl. Try to enjoy the moment here. It's not that often that we get to do an original piece from our school."

"I know, but we're talking about huge publicity here. The principle made an advertisement for our play and gave it to the newspaper, not to mention Brittany had to make hundreds of posters and hang them up everywhere in town and in TWO TOWNS NEARBY. IF THIS GOES WRONG, I CAN KISS MY FUTURE COLLEGE DEGREE GOOD-BYE!!"

"Girl, breath," Rose got up to comfort her, "We're barely through our second month of sophomore year. College is far away." "I know, I know. So where are the shoes?" Rose smiled and pointed down. Amy at the shoes and gasped. "They're perfect!" Amy picked up one of the shoes. It had originally been white. Rose had embroidered it with pastel shades of blue, pink and yellow and had added two tiny feathers for each shoe. Rose beamed. She loved it, when she got compliments for her work, especially for her shoe designs.

Then her phone alarm rang. "Oh 5 already! I promised Uncle Max I'd take care of the garage this evening. He's got a date." Rose quickly turned off her phone and rushed for her stuff. "Fine by me. You can do lighting checks on Thursday." Amy said, while wrapping up the shoes, "Say hi to your uncle for me." "Sure, bye Amy," and with that Rose rushed out of the building.

Meanwhile at Regal Academy

"Well class, I'm happy to say that the potion exam went very well," Doctor le Frog announced while handing the class the sheets of paper with their grades, "And as usual, Astoria's team was the best." "Thank you, Doctor le Frog," Astoria said, beaming at their A+. She turned back to their team. "Good job, guys, we did it again." The other members of  her team beamed with pride. The other teams groaned and glared at the Astoria's team. The team that always came first and that always was the best. Astoria Rapunzel was the smartest student in school. Travis Beast was one of the strongest. Lingling Ironfan was a great warrior, that transferred from Shan Academy. She was literally better at everything. Joy le Frog was weird, but very talented. And last Hawk Snow White the biggest natural talent of their class, a beloved princess-saver and the most eligible prince of Regal Academy. He gave a wink to his fangirls in the corner. Two fainted.

When class was dismissed Hawk and Travis walked together to the gate. Travis lived on Earth, so he was always using the gate. Hawk liked to accompany with him to the gate, but he had never been on Earth before. It was good break from saving princesses. "So how's it going with Lingling?" Hawk asked. Travis grinned, "Fantastic. Have I mentioned that she's coming to Earth to meet my parents this Friday?" "No, dude, that's awesome."

Hawk smiled at his friend. Travis hadn't always had luck with the ladies, until Lingling came. Hawk had to say he was a bit jealous of his friend, being able to find someone who he really cared about and who cared about him. Hawk hadn't found that yet. His grandmother, Snow White, was getting more tiring. She was getting more and more desperate to find him a princess, since the beginning of his second year. Hawk then noticed that Travis was still talking about Friday. "I hope my parents won't cook something too gross. I want her to meet Rose afterwards." Hawk blinked, "Who?" "Rose, you know... Oh wait, right, I only told Lingling about her. She's a close friend on Earth." "Oh, you never mentioned her." "I know, sorry. I'm sure she and Lingling will get along really well though. They're quite similar." Hawk nodded and stared ahead.

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