Chapter 14

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Alex's POV.

Jennifer was standing in front of me, alive and healthy.

She wiped her hands before handing it out to me and said, "So, you must be our guest? I think we've met before. Am I right? No, that's silly. I've been here for like a year so it's impossible."

"Yes. We've met before. Don't you remember?" I tried to make her memories flood back.

"Uhm, no? I don't have any clue... Am I supposed to know you?" She said.

That hurt. She doesn't remember me.


Jennifer's POV.

This random guy made my head twist with confusion.

Is Mason hiding something away from me?!

Suddenly, Rose tugged the end of my dress as she looked up to me.

"Mommy, Mommy. Who's that guy? Why does he have the same hair, eyes and skin like mine?" Ros said.

It's her first time seeing a blonde guy that's why she thinks he's her dad.

I picked her up and looked her in the eye.

"Baby, he's not your Dad okay?" I tried to convince her.

But what if this guy in front of me is the father of my daughter?


Mason's POV.

"Look Jennifer, you should go back to your bedroom right now and also bring Rose with you. I've got matters to discuss with Alex," I said.

She shrugged and hurriedly ran to her bedroom giggling. 

I turned around to Alex, looking desperately at me for answers.

"What are you really here for, Alex?" I asked him.

"I just wanna visit my best friend that I haven't seen for a long time then suddenly Jennifer came out from nowhere so that adds to what I am here for. Now answer my question," he said.

He's just so annoying like before.

"For a vampire, you're pretty damn stupid. You're still my best friend from before," I smiled.

"Answer the damn question!" He shouted.

"No can do. I'm really sorry but I can't. It's not the right time to answer any questions regarding Jennifer," I said.

"Goodness! I'll bug you till you're annoyed. Anyways, do you have blood there? I wanna drink some," He said.

"Yeah. This way," I led him to the kitchen.

I poured a bag of blood on a cup and watched him chug it all down.

When is the right time to make everything right and be back to normal?

Is it just me that the destiny is waiting so everything would be normal?

Or is it just the insecurity inside me?

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