I Will Quit the Entourage of the Villainess Chapter 32

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"Well then Ojou-sama, again I will pick you up on the way back."

"Thank you. See you again soon"

I lightly wave my hand to Sisie, look up to the academy's gate towering before my eyes.

Altria academy is located on the east side of the royal capital.

Altria kingdom's royal capital Altonil, the entire district is surrounded by a circular wall.

Although the district extends outside the wall, the block outside of the wall is treated as a downtown.

Altonil has an existing main street running towards the royal castle located north of the city to the gate in the south, there is also a large street east and west in a cruciform cross.

If you go east of the street intersection is the academy, and if you go west spreads the district for noble residences.

There is a plaza at the intersection of the main street, from the plaza to towards the southern gate it gradually becomes the area where the homes of the common people are lined up aside from the nobility.

From the estate of the noble district in the west of Altonil, I arrived at academy by horse-drawn carriage.

The entranceway located between the academy's outer gate and inner gate is lined side-by-side with carriages of nobles who are attending school, the students headed for the inner gate one after another.

侯爵以上の貴族は内門の中まで馬車で入れるが、それより下位の貴族たちはここで馬車を降りて歩いて校舎までいく。The aristocracy of rank higher than marquis are admitted inside carriage the inner gate with their horse, nobility of lower ranks descend from their carriages here and walk to the school building.

この門をくぐると、ゲームが始まる...... Passing through this gate, the game commences......

ここまできたら進むしかないのだ。Having come this far there is no choice but to advance.

私は少しの緊張とともに、高鳴る胸の鼓動を感じながら門をくぐり抜けた。With a little nervousness, I passed through the gate together with the throbbing feeling of my palpitating heart.

画面越しではなくみる学園は、豪華できらびやかなことこの上なかった。The academy which isn't seen over over the screen, was extraordinary above and beyond gorgeous and dazzling.

広大な敷地に建つ白亜の校舎は、内門から続く緑の庭園の先にあった。The white school building is built on a large site, located before the verdant garden which continues from the inner gate.

庭園には春の花々が咲き乱れ、芳しい香りがあたりに漂う。Spring flowers are blooming in the garden, and a rich fragrance wafts around.

私はゆっくりとあたりを見回しながら校舎へ向かって歩いていく。I slowly walked towards the school building while looking around.

ううー緊張する。気を抜いたらこけそうだよ。Uuー I am nervous. It seems I've let my mind wander.

「おーい、コゼット!」 "Oーi, Cosette!"

後方から声をかけられ振り向くと、ゲオルグが走って近づいてきた。When I turned back from being called from behind, George was running drawing closer.

「ゲオルグ!ごきげんよう」 "George! Gokigenyou!"

「お前、大丈夫か?右手と右足が同時に出てるぞ」 "You, are you alright? The right hand and right foot are moving forward at the same time."

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