chapter 14

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I couldn't help but notice hoe handsome the beatles face were .I could stare all day night at their faces ,but in my opinion....
I think that John Lennon has the most handsone face.

"Maria!" I turned my face to see the familiar voice owner.

"Yes dear" I said sweetly .

"Are you favorizing John
Lennon just because he has more handsome face than us?"  Said Pete bete ,high enough for the beatles members to hear.

"W-why would you think that,dear?" My head was spining with thoughts to buy myself some time.

"It stands on your shirt"he pointed at my neon t-shirt.

And there it  was a yellow neon shirt with big black and orange letters.
"How ....could it be....?"


KIDNAPPED BY THE BEATLES GHOSTS!!!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα