So of course, the only logical explanation Lidia could give her troubled son was a plane ticket to Nottingham, England.

Along with a paid tuition to an all boy's boarding school.

A boarding school by the name of Westview.

Which was a school that Victor would rather be caught dead in, and that his mother was more than happy to send him away to.

To her, he was just another waste of her time.

Because coming home drunk from the bar every night was exhausting enough already.

Especially when you'd come home only to find out that your teen son was waiting for some little ounce of attention that he wouldn't get.

However, if you had said that Victor's law breaking, not to mention record breaking, stunt he had pulled would have gotten him enough attention to send him to England.......

He would've said you were out of your damn mind.

And he would've, for once in his life, tried to lay low and out of sight.

But yet.........

There he was.

Standing at the forefront of one of the stone arch entrances........

With a button down shirt that was whiter than the privilege at this school.......

In his own opinion, of course.

Paired with perfectly ironed pants that fit exactly to his American charmed body.

And to top it all off, a burning glare was stuck on his face as he stood there with a popped hip,
tapping his foot against the concrete paved sidewalks that decorated the quad of this damned school.

And the amount of anger and disgust he could feel in this moment was almost inhuman.....

Suffocating, even.

"Fuck it," he said as he tore off his tie and threw it on the ground, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt and untucking it from his pants.....

Pants that he pulled down because he didn't need them so high up on his hips.

And because he already liked the idea of walking into school this morning with "bad boy" written right across his forehead in red sharpie.

"Much better."

But he knew that this joke of a uniform would only be complete with a cigarette in between his teeth, one that could hopefully cloud his brain enough to take away all of the hatred.

So he lit one up with the flick of his lighter and an inhale of smoke.

And he started up the walkway of the boarding school with expectations that were higher than the tall buildings in this damn city that they called Nottingham.

But before he could take one more step towards what he presumed was the entrance of hell, he was stopped by the sound of a fellow student's yell.

 Boarding School Boys ⚣ Yuri on Ice Where stories live. Discover now