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After Denaun had left and I'd closed the door behind him, I stood in the foyer and stared at the white marble tiles which covered the floor perfectly symmetrical. To tell the truth, I didn't know what I'd do, if I'd call Marshall or just sent him a simple text message. Either way, what would I even say or write? I was lost and staring at a marble floor would definitely not give me an answer.

Snap out of it!

I sighed loudly to erase some of the build up stress, before I brushed through my hair and slowly started to set one foot in front of the other and made my way back into my living room.
I admit, the little Denaun had told me, had let my curiosity shoot through the roof, but I couldn't let it affect me. I knew that it would made me give in quicker than the energizer bunny on crack and the fact that Marshall's charm was a weakness I couldn't overcome, wouldn't make it less difficult.

God, why couldn't you let this pass me by...

Again I sighed about my misery and hopped over my work papers to plop down on the fluffy pillows of my couch. I had to get this over with before my courage would leave me and so I took the house phone off the coffee table and dialed Marshall's cellphone number which I knew by heart already.

„Yo" He answered after the sixth ring and I inhaled deeply to steady my heart beat.

„Marshall? It's me Daniela."

Nothing, nada, nichts! He had fallen completely quiet, so I tried again.

„Marshall? You there?"

„Uhm....yeah, yeah. Ho-how you doin'?" Finally he answered and I smiled unwilling not only about hearing his voice again, but also about his slight stammering.

„I'm good...."

Shit, I'm lost!

„How are you?"


Wow.....what a conversation!

„Uhm....Denaun was here and asked me to call you. So...."

„Wait, Porter was at your place?" He cut in, sounding surprised and I exhaled.

„Yeah, he just left. You didn't know he'd come over?!"

„Fuck no!"


„What did he want? I mean, what did he say?"

„He basically asked me to call you."

„That's it?"


His question brought me into a slightly difficult position. I'd recognized how uncomfortable Denaun had been about even telling the little things he had and I didn't want to betray him, but I also didn't want to lie to Marshall.

„I think you should talk to him what else we talked about."

Easy way out!

„But the main topic was me getting back in contact with you." He stayed quiet for a few seconds and then I could hear him exhale.


„Well it's your friends merit that I'm calling. You better should thank him." I chuckled softly and my heart jumped a little when he did the same.

„Guess so, hm?! But yeah, I'll thank him Monday."

And silence again.......

„Marshall, why didn't you just call me?" I asked when I could not only take this silence anymore, but also had enough of beating around the bush.

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